CONTEST - How skilled do you consider yourself to be?

Some or all of A,B,C & D at different times plus a healthy sprinkling of E,F & G and some complete donk stuff mixed in.

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i feel i am close to being a seasonal player! I go real slow if there is an idot doing things they would not do if the where playing for money. i wish there was a way that you would feel like you real won with the chips you have and not feeling like you have to just get rid of that stupid person going half in or all in all the time.

The more I learn about this game the more I realize how little I know.


Amateur. There is simply no way to force Lady Luck’s bounty. Patience, indeed, is the key, with the occasional high-risk, back-to-the-wall show of courage.

Thanks to everyone for your fantastic responses! This one was more difficult for me to tally, as a lot of you really thought outside the box this time, which was great to see.

It sounds like the consensus from many of you is that you consider yourselves to be in the amateur to seasoned category. There were a range of opinions on what it means to be at each skill level. Many of you based your answer on what it would be like to play real money poker, while others focused on your performance on Replay exclusively, and even at various types of poker formats. It was interesting to see the diversity of answers.

With this tally, I only included answers that explicitly said one of the choices, though there were many, many answers that fell along similar lines. Here are the results:

Beginner - 9
Amateur - 41
Seasoned - 17
Expert - 3
Some variation - 33

Thanks for taking the time to participate and share your insights about what you think a beginner, amateur, etc. really looks like! This beginner looks forward to seeing some of you at Bust the Staff later today. :slight_smile:

And now for our winners! These five players were chosen by random draw and are now 100,000 chips richer! :raised_hands:


Thanks again, and if you have any ideas for a contest, please submit it to me via PM or :smiley:


Congratulations to the winners!!!


Congratulations everyone, and A big hip hip holler to the 100,000 club winners :):heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:


I should change my name to whippersnapper, LOL !!

I consider myself as a seasoned player. I have been play poker a few years now. I have read books and watched some of the well known pro players. Their stratiges in betting all-ins, folding. calling, and their approach to the poker game. Yet, they loose games like every body else. The bad beats, the bust outs, shut-outs is part of the game that make you learn. Not going to be a Pro. But I know enough to hold my own.

I consistently operate at a God-like level.