When I double click the "type message here" on the chat window it says "enter promo code". does anyone know about this

I’ve noticed it there for a few weeks. nothing happens when I click it, though

That’s odd. Can you explain exactly where you see that? I can see anywhere it saying ‘type message here’. Also tell us what browser you’re using. Thanks!

I think he got virus.

on google search browser after registering and viewing lobby, the chat box I accidently double clicked one day and underneath the box it said enter promo code. when I clicked on “enter promo code” that message appears as part of the conversation to others. nothing seems to happen, but wondered where it came from to begin with. it still appears whenever I double-click. can’t seem to delete it.

Any chance you can grab a screenshot for us?

will try to on my other computer that has a camera on it. can you send me the email address to respond to. my other computer has same email address.

will try on my other computer that has a camera. the screen is damaged but will try to send it to your email if you’ll send the address to send it to.

support@replaypoker.com works great, thank you!