The discovery of the ultimate occurrence in synchronicity in Poker

When some unusual things happen at a poker table, it can become stunning to your opponent and the

rest of world sometimes.

Always left wondering, ’ What are the odds of that happening? "

I was searching for an example of synchronicity and found a good one with Daniel Negreanu.

I’d like to hear your stories about synchronicity, regarding to the topic of poker only.

Mainly, discussions about the odds, and the discovery of the ultimate occurrence with the highest odds.


The idea that synchronicity is associated with self-actualization is one that appeals to me.

You see it most commonly in poker because a lot of players consciously wish for the cards they need and then bam!!! You get them. I love when that happens.

The power of thought sent to the universe.


I can testify to that, has happened to me many times. I believe positive thinking and attitude also has influence of the outcome.


The odds of calling the turn and the river (1,980 to 1)

I believe in the power of positive thinking as well, but don’t you think the other players in a hand are consciously or subconsciously wishing for their cards too? How does the universe know who to listen to?

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Very good question, didn’t say I get the win every time. But when it happens, that just increases the positive thinking for the rest of the tourney.

I don’t think this has anything to do with winning hands . Like the thread title says, synchronicity is associated with self-actualization which is the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.

You just have to learn to tap into that realization which comes from the universe and some people have all of the success in the life same thing as people have the “luck” genes but in synchronicity it can be developed.

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Although it’s nice I don’t think
Positive thinking and attitude have anything to do with wing hands. The thread is about synchronicity and self - awareness

The universe listens to those that have pure intentions and ask the universe for guidance on what matters most . Sort of like wishful thinking on a higher plane. Those that experience it are receiving the gift they asked for. It is a free gift for all that just believe and ask with good intentions.

Guess I have been sending my thought to the one who created the universe!!! I hope I haven’t got off the great topic you created @Excaliburns

that’s a big call, Litenin, which I don’t believe for a moment

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(I’d like to hear your stories about synchronicity, regarding to the topic of poker only.

Mainly, discussions about the odds, and the discovery of the ultimate occurrence with the highest


This topic is so vast, it’s easy to drift off over the lines.

Focusing on the poker aspect will keep us from drifting.


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Agree 200% :+1:t2: I could go on and on but sticking to the topic of Poker is what the thread is all about.

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