Players rating players

I’ve got to waddle away from this thread now. waddle waddle …


Its pretty sad when u have to use a youtube duck song to back up a popularity star rating system that wont work, Its pretty clear here that ur idea failed so u need to come up with another idea and start a new thread because ur not winning the most posts to a forum contest that u intended this thread to be for to win. Oh by the way, i give the duck song 1 star but i have a donkey song for u that i gave 5 stars to. This star rating system is off to a good start.

whaddya want…currently the system reflects the number of chips the guy’s got…and pretty accurately at that…:slight_smile:

Stag party coming up… I’m going to loop this and play it the entire day.


I would rather see everyone’s Pot Won %. Mine is 21%.

Returning to your original post, the system in it’s draft state seems interesting.and I think many people would utilize it.

Of course, any new suggestion will be criticized and there will always be more important things to work on. I don’t think the lack of attention / progress with the current projects, should stop the flow of ideas to improve the site’s appeal.

Yes that’s just my opinion, but the great part is we are all entitled to one.

Maybe to end the debate, a vote is the answer.


I agree with you, Larry. Otherwise such a thread as “Suggestions for improving Replay” would have no reason to exist until all other projects have been fulfilled.

In the meantime, somebody may come with an interesting idea which is easy to implement and doesn’t stand in the way of all other more complex and time consuming tasks.


I played a game not so long ago where you scored extra points for removing players from the table.
Perhaps if it was possible to do the same with rating, i.e. based on players last 100 games and how many they removed from the tables they were playing?
Not perfect but would give me a bettor idea about the skill of players I was playing.:thinking:

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This sounds like a “Gunfight at the OK Corral”. LOL
But why the heck did you take Maya’s suggestion so personally? Why are you so afraid of it? The star system (or something comparable) is used everywhere in the Internet nowadays, for restaurants, bars, museums, schools, even university professors.

Why couldn’t you simply say, thanks for your proposal, Maya, very kind of you, but I wouldn’t like to see it here? This puzzles me.


Agree and since this is my first post - allow me to say that ALL of you are overthinking an online gaming algorithm. Ranking should ONLY be based on wins - period. That is what we are here to do, correct? Hahahaha…now go have fun!

Obviously we’re not all here for the same reasons :wink:


I’m here for the grapes.


Just do away with the rating, I really don’t care what someone’s rating is when we’re playing there cards come from the same place mine do.

:grapes: :grapes: :grapes: :grapes: :grapes:

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…sour or otherwise! :laughing:

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Thanks for the rating, floridajetski. Means the WORLD to me. I was always told to “consider the source” of a comment, and never has that been more relevant than here. Quite honestly, like or hate Maya’s suggestion you’ve been very derisive of it from the start. She’s proposing an idea - not advocating for war! You are entitled to your opinion, just as everyone else is - and I’m very happy for you if your chip bank is HUGE - but most can share an opinion without being nasty or condescending - something you don’t really seem capable of.

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well u would be wrong on all u said bulldog, except for u appreciating my rating of u even tho i cant rate u unless u are on the table playing for quite some time. as u stated we all have our own opinions, some are light, some are strong or more heavily opinionated. maya said many times that we are debating this topic, if u wanna scroll up and look go right ahead. so she brought and invited all of us to the debate, it touched me a bit when she said that because i am trying to stick up for all the players that are ranked high, way higher than me that have earned all of their chips and havnt bought, sticking up for the fact that they played many years and endless hours to earn their rank, more than u can imagine, playing very skilled and won hundreds if not thousands of games to get there. i think the last thing they want are any random player that most likely is less skilled than they are to rank a star next to them. it is an insult to them to have most players that dont have the skill or knowledge level of the game to give them an accurate rating. bulldog u mention in ur 1st post that u are by no means a pro, in fact u said u are an amateur. do u think u are capable of rating highly skilled and highly ranked players a star when u are learning the fundamentals of the game still. maybe it would be good to do just for low stake players, other than making them feel good or bad about their stars i dont think it would improve their game. so just sticking up for the high ranked players that earned all their chips and rank to not have any random player at any skill level to give them a possible 1 or 2 stars when in fact they should get 6 stars. they deserve a better system than stars that are meaningless to them.

If only you were this polite and gave such explanation of your opinion from the start. Unfortunately you weren’t.
And this is just another post that shows you’re way off the point and have no understanding of the proposed system.

When people rate a movie they’ve watched, it’s not because they are all directors and movie experts. The movie could still win an Oscar because of how great it was (ranking) and still be rated by everyone who has seen it (rating).

When university students rate their professors, it’s not because they are more experts than they are. The professor could have the best degrees and experience (ranking) and still be rated by students (rating).

Contestants on talent shows, singing for example, can be judged by a panel of experts (ranking) and still have millions of spectators calling and voting, spectators who are neither talented nor experts in the field.

Having a ranking system that shows your skill, and a rating system that shows how others rate you, are two different things, and they can go together. One doesn’t cancel the other.

You’re obviously worried that all your hard work to make all your millions would be tainted by a bad rating from others. Same for higher ranking players. Well, why worry? If someone is a good player, why wouldn’t they be confident that everyone will give them a good rating? I don’t see any high ranking player getting bad rating from others at all. That is just your own phobia. Even lesser skilled players will see how good you are. People are not as vindictive and evil as you portray them. We all enjoy playing against good players, and very very few would not admit they are good, even if they don’t understand the game as perfectly.

But hey, don’t let my constant explanations about how the suggested system works stop you from posting more derisive comments. You don’t like the idea, I get it. To be honest, after all the debates, I’m not so sure I like it anymore either. But if you could have just expressed your opinions more respectfully, and stuck to the actual point of the whole idea without diverting to unrelated issues, that would have been fantastic.

Thank you @Bulldog9512 for your kind posts.


maya u need to go up and look at my 1st respectful post on my opinion of ur idea, i even said it was a good thought, just didnt think it would work. Now read your reply/response to my post. From the start of ur 1st sentence of your reply u just went on attack mode, an insulting attack mode to say the least, and u didnt stop, u rambled on and on trying to debate ur idea was good, instead of respecting someone taking the time to reply to ur post u go into attack mode if they disagree with u, and u dont stop. You just love to argue is all. i was stating factual poker information and reality of all aspects of the game. You obviously have temper issues if u go on and on with attacking someone elses opinions. Then take it so far as to post a duck song, another insult. what do u expect people say when they are in the defense mode with u all the time. if u wanna argue then u shouldnt have started a post and insult and attack ones opinions of the topic of your own post and should respect ones opinions. i truly hope your star system works for u but i dont think it will matter for most others… i dont think on high stake and elite tables that anyone cares about having that just from being on those tables and knowing most of the players. Some of them might even laugh at it. just keeping it real and telling u how it is. maybe try it on low stake only, for a trial period before taking it to medium and up, that might work for starters. gradually implement it up the stake levels, just a thought :slight_smile: