How did someone get $36 billion at a 250k/500k table?

I normally could care less bud but u r way out of line here …

1st) ALL the players have Not been Identified and/or removed

  1. The chip transferred have Not been reversed ib Any Way what so ever !!! There was a Min of 25 Billion added to the “economy”

You have no right to ask for players to not be given the truth. Trust is a hard thing to earn and harder to get back once that trust has been broken. The world is not all Unicorns and lollipops

Yes I hope the staff is doing their best but your statements are flawed at the core and your assumptions are incorrect


Hey GS :slight_smile:

I’m working on what @fizzymint said.

As I understand things now, there’s a number of reversals going on and fizzy or some other staff member said that established players need to expect some chip balance adjustments.

Kind regards,

Slava Ukraini

I’m not convinced that I responded to all of your questions.

I understand that all of the cheat accounts have been identified, all of the beneficiaries have been identified and all relevant transactions have been or will be reversed.

Kind regards,

Slava Ukraini

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This is indeed true. I saw this situation unfold across several tables for a couple of hours. Hands like the one below definitley need reversing. Note that this hand is just one of many that otherwise wouldn’t have existed :-

In addition, the player KA741 were able to load themselves with another 60,000+ chips on a 2/4 table, even though they only had 1,500 left in the bank.

This was definitely more than chip-dumping/collusion.

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Well u read into the statement released b/c they Never said any of that

  1. Never stated that All cheat accounts have been identified and/or removed (I guarantee u 100% that they have not been removed I just checked and 1 is still there with a chip balance just over 3k)

2)Never stated that All or Any chip transfers have been reversed … Why is that b/c this is a Huge mess that will take a disgusting amount of man hours to even attempt to clean up … One player whom received Billions has now “won” another Billion using these ill-gotten gains … Ask yourself "Would they have been able to do that if they were not playing with literary House Money??

This was Not only a High Stakes problem as I stated a “player” started at 800 chips and turned it in to 170k “won” off the hackers and made it to 1 Million felting may players along the way (I have spent umpteen hours following these players movements)(This player has played in many lower stakes Mtts and their mere presents have affected every game they have played … Think about that??) … These r the players it truly affects the most !!! How many of those players may have bought a few dollars of chips only to lose them to this player or the others? I have No idea and neither do you

What is really happening here is called “spin” or “circling back” or many other descriptions for propaganda and your chiming in and telling others they should just be quite with out any solid evidence seems to be complicit in this Disinformation campaign

Unfortunately this terrible situation is what it is and hopefully will work it way out the best it can … But during that time please don’t pee on All Players heads and tell us it’s raining :slight_smile:

p.s I personally enjoy playing on Replay (I think I should go to a 12 Step group over my addiction lol) and will continue to play but saying that … I was born at night but not last night and will from now on keep my head on a swivel and my eyes open to what is going on around me at the tables and I encourage others to do the same

Best of luck at the tables all The Goat :goat: :slight_smile:


No, it’s really interesting to lots of players here. Don’t read the thread if it is not interesting to you


Agreed! It’s disrepectful to imply that people are “stupid” simply because they are replying to an important topic, which is by definition, the reason this forum exists in the first place.


I to am very satisfied

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Replay is working on it, please give them time to get this problem fixed.
they don’t want this, no more than we want it, they can’t just snap their fingers and all the sudden
" all fixed " they are looking into this, and will fix this issue.


Couldn’t help myself … a bit of humor is always welcome :rofl:

Some of you people need to take a deep breath and relax and be happy it didn’t cause you any undue chip duress. I put my faith in Replay and it’s staff.


Hi all — thanks for your patience! Our tech team was able to reproduce the behavior using a hand-crafted API request sequence. A fix was implemented yesterday and after monitoring the situation, we feel confident that it has solved this issue. With this resolved, the next step is to correct the economical impact. Thanks again for bearing with us.


I do find this whole thing interesting, but from the angle of “why?”

What’s the motivation here of these people doing this on a largely “free” poker site? There is no profit to be had, and I can’t imagine the motivation of “pulling one over” on Replay to be a sufficient motive. Then again, there are people in this world that trample others on Black Friday trying to get their hands on the latest Cabbage Patch Yugi-o Pokemon Hologram Bath Soap and Energy Drink Dispenser Doll, so who knows. Some people would probably kill for a jelly donut - a really, really good jelly donut - not some Krispy Kreme donut.

It’s a weird world out there.

Maybe this is a dry run on a platform like this - which will go entirely unnoticed save for the people here - with eyes on a larger goal of taking what they learn to a platform where money is real?

The motive is what fascinates me here.

Oh - and good job on Replay’s response. Not that it’s over - I’m sure it is an evolving situation that may yet have twists and turns to come - but they really do seem to be doing what they can as fast as they can, and it is appreciated.

Now - off to get a jelly donut.


That is what I thought.

This seemingly negative occurrence should lead to greater safeguards being put in place that will help protect this company and its community of users in the future. For that I am thankful.


TomWest741 now. The show must go on.


and there is/was a TomWest420 too

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Me too! I have no chips. lol This is a real shame though. It is play chips and you have to cheat/hack? WOW


The name is interesting anyway.

Tom West was a well-known computer designer back in the day. He was largely responsible for the Data General Eclipse MV/8000, an early 32-bit CISC machine that was well ahead of its time.

The psychological implications of that name choice are fascinating and way off topic.

Great name though.


I don’t think that’s the real motivation for hackers.

TomWest741 is now not more to find, I think his account is deleted. I tried to help, and I think, I did it. I saw him on his first 10 hands, before he could do more things.
Craig: If you only can think what a hacker is and what he wants to do, then you can search and read on net, and then you know it.
What I wrote is not what I think, I learned it.
I deleted my 2. post now, think this is better.
And the horse is not dead.