Bust the Staff Ticket Not Working

Why can’t I register for the BTS tournament with my ticket?

If you are using the correct ticket as per the Winter Games promotion:

Our monthly ‘Bust the Staff’ tourney is back, featuring the new and exciting Progressive Knockout setup you loved last month. BTS is happening on Thursday, February 15th at 2pm ET / 8pm CET. Use promo code: BTSTICKET02 to get a free entry ticket! Click here to register.
You should be able to register - I have just tried it and it does work!

Oh, it disappeared and I cant redeem the promo code again, so I guess I’m just not able to play? Get it together Replay

The code is working and if you have collected your ticket as per the instructions above, you should be able to use it.

I used the code last week and received the ticket, but it is not in my bank anymore. The code isnt valid for me anymore, can I get my ticket back?

I will have to vouch for this one, just checked my tickets and the btsticket02 has gone away, it was there a couple of days ago. Tried to redo and told me that code had already been used.
this is in my ticket transactions…
Feb 8, 4:11pm 1arrow_upward Bust the Staff ticket Promo code BTSTICKET02 redeemed
Feb 8, 6:00pm 1arrow_downward Bust the Staff ticket Ticket expired

I sent the information to support.

Mine is gone also


I used the code20 jan lol :wink:

Yes, hopefully Staff is reading @chipsmama I haven’t used it but I now see this …

I had the BTS ticket only 19 hours.

Hi all! Sorry for the issues with those tickets! I’ve gone ahead and added a new Bust the Staff ticket for all that posted here and wrote in to support. If any others have the same problem, please reach out to support@replaypoker.com


Wait, I received the new BTS ticket but note the expiration date. Thank you.


gone again…

Feb 11, 6:35pm 1arrow_downward Bust the Staff ticket Ticket expired 1
Feb 11, 6:30am 1arrow_upward Bust the Staff ticket Admin: ZD 156138
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@smooth99 it’s now been replaced with the correct expiry date

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@will_lira, it’s now been replaced with the correct expiry date

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@Poki65 it’s now been replaced with the correct expiry date

I’ve replaced the tickets for anyone that wrote in here saying their tickets were expired. The new expiry date is set for after the next Bust the Staff game. Thanks all for reporting it!

Tyvm. I have now registered and hope to keep it.


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