Why you should never early register for a tournament

I won a 250k tournament ticket, couldn’t find a match starting soon so I registered for a future tournament. I forgot about it, and now see I was auto bought into the tournament and forfeited even though I wasn’t even at my computer

Shouldn’t there be a confirmation before it burns the buyin?

  1. Terrible experience for me, I feel robbed, lose a 250k ticket and don’t even play
  2. Terrible experience for the people at the tables, who have someone sat out until they are booted.

What is the benefit to having early registration (>30mins before) at all? It seems pointless unless you intend to show up in the tiny window after late reg closes but before your hand is auto folded.

Even better, there is no way to find the tournaments once I register. The other day after/during site maintenance I registered in a tournament shown on the home page, and it took me ages to find it and unregister to get my chips back. (iirc it wasn’t going to start for 23hours)

Tying a string or ribbon around a finger is a reminder technique12. The string or ribbon works because seeing it will make the person remember why they put it there1. Tying a ribbon around the index finger means you constantly have a texture that’s activating those nerves and thus keeping that part of the brain in alpha (high activity) mode2.


Lol, this is fine advice - but even with reminders, I will not be registering until after the reminder tells me it’s time. It doesn’t make sense to pre-register, there’s no benefit! :laughing:

You can find and open your MTT on Dashboard:


I use a timer to remember me. And yes, you can register short before start too. But if your ticket is only for this MTT (Bust The Staff, Final Ticket,…), then why not. And if there is no late registration, and you come minutes too late, then you are on table. On a Marathon Finale this saved my playing.


Hi Genzy, :smiley:
Think of registering for a tournament like buying a ticket to see a movie or show. You can purchase your ticket in advance but you must pay for it. It is on you to attend, if you do not show up will you get a refund? With a MTT here at Replay You have the option to unregister until the tournament starts and your buy in will be refunded.

I believe no-shows in most MTTs have until the third big blind level before the player is removed

Shortly after registering for a tournament it will show up on your Dashboard page:

Hope this helps.


Hi @Genzy!

You received great answers here. In addition, there should be a small ‘ding’ that you’ll hear whenever the tournament is ready to play along with seeing the pop up. Please be sure that your volume is up and that the box is not checked next to the option “disable sounds” here: https://www.replaypoker.com/settings

I also sent you email message, so if you have any other questions about the tournament you missed, you can respond here or in the email I sent.

Kristine (chipsmama)


I will sometimes play every 1M tournament throughout a single day. I register in advance for all of them, pull up the little tournament lobby window and make it small enough to not interfere with the rest of my stuff on screen, but so I still see it out of the corner of my eye.

This way I don’t miss any tournaments by forgetting to register—something that happens to me far more often than the opposite (registering then forgetting to play).

So I guess it varies based on your needs <3

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