Ups and Downs in a 5th place finish at a 9-seat SNG

I’ve been playing a lot better this week, since my Monday post about getting angry after a bad beat.

I think I’ve made adjustments to my mental game, and am not equating aggression with anger anymore. I wasn’t when I started playing, but over time it seemed to progress naturally for me in that direction. And frankly it wasn’t a good thing for me at all. I threw good chips after bad, and also just wasn’t enjoying the game – even when I won.

So, Tuesday I played better, I did OK. Wednesday I didn’t play, and Thursday also. Friday, I played a bunch, and I won a few, but also lost a few more, breaking about even, maybe up a few thousand chips on the day. Today, though, I’ve played far better, and am up about 250,000 chips on the night. Four first place wins, and 2 second place wins. I think I’m about done for now, but it’s been a much more enjoyable game since I adjusted my emotional approach.

In almost all of the games I won today, I was down early, and came back. I did have a few hands where I lost big pots on bad luck with good cards, but I didn’t let them bother me. I just laughed it off and came back later when I had a hand.

I’m up over 3M in my bankroll, and after the Astral League bonus chips are awarded I should have a few more.

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