The biggest mistake that players here make

It seems to me that rank does not mean much, because it is based purely on chip count. I have less than a million chips,but then I have been on the site for only 1 month and had not played poker for years. Perhaps one needs to divide the chip count by the number of months on the site to get an average gain, but even that is meaningless unless you know other things, like were the chips gained in ring games, sit’n’gos, or tournaments. Someone could easily have several millions chips having placed high in 1 huge tournament, whereas someone else could have won a dozen tournaments and still have less chips,

I was playing in a 37 player tournament last night (in which I finished 3rd when a suited QT in the BB re-raised all in preflop against my AQ raise and hit his flush. Sob.). There was a player in the tournament who was ranked within the top 500 on Replaypoker by virtue of a high chip count whom I won several large pots from in the early part of the tourney. He eventually finished 5th, but his main method at the lower blinds levels seemed to be to call anything all the way down to the flop if he had any ace and then make huge bluffs at the river. At the higher blind levels, he limped everything and (presumably) bluffed a lot, I guess it must work for him, and he has a high ranking on Replaypoker, but it didn’t seem to indicate much skill, and I would welcome him as an opponent any time.