Is this forum useful?

I personally love this forum. I think all in all, most of our players leave us thoughtful, productive suggestions and feedback. I pass these on to the rest of the team. Other Operations, Support, and Product staff check in here regularly and add your ideas to a document that we pull from when we have development resource. We also have our fantastic volunteers who are involved here daily and raise any urgent matters with us.

We have two front-end developers, two back-end developers, and two in DevOps, so between keeping the site running, fixing issues, and adding and improving features, we can only work on so much at any given time. Bear with us, but we hear you, and we want you to feel heard, too. The most feedback we’ve gotten is about site performance, so we currently have all hands on deck to improve load times and prevent tournament freezes. I’ll have more information on that as soon as I can share it, along with other things we have in the pipeline.

Though we don’t reply to every suggestion, I do ask that you keep them coming, as we do note the frequency of how often something is requested. Sometimes things take longer to develop than expected, or priorities change, and it’s hard to guarantee if or when something will be added. But I’m hoping to work with all our teams to share those types of details with you all much more often.

I can say that while we aren’t currently working on it yet, a table redesign is on our list of high priorities, and things like showing an actual table, bet sizes, the call button/check box annoyances, etc. will all be considered due to the feedback all of you have shared.

But seriously, y’all here in the forum are genuinely special to me and the rest of the team. You are our most passionate players and we take what you have to say very seriously. :slight_smile:

In the meantime, our staff will pop in when we can. My team (Ops/Support) makes adjustments when and where we can when no development is necessary. Rob (@Chasetheriver) is in here often and frequently updates our poker room based on your feedback. And I’ll have a new version of the forum league coming soon!