What's your opinion on bluffing

Bluffers Lose & Losers Bluff.

Most of the time they Fail miserably, Yet I always get a Good laugh out of it so God Bless.

Well, you could although bring some “fear” e.g. “respect” for your poker style to the game by showing your bluff. If You show some opponents your (“worthless”) hole cards, they might reconsider calling next time or (much better) try reraising your value bet, so in the end you might get bigger pots in showdowns, which you inevitably would have won cos you’re holdin the best hand, but they do not believe it. :grin:

Absolutely :+1:

I tend to consider myself a tight and cautious player, which who has not the intention to “try-out” a new table with strangers, so bluffing my way to the pot is maybe not my biggest strength. But… If I sat by a table for some time and do consider myself knowing and understanding the opponent(s), I do bluff from time to time, maybe even show my “worthless” hole cards to a) intimidate my opponents b) make them believe I tend to play worthless hands and c) for the fun of it :grin:

first of all some bluffing is part of the game.how ever just thowing chips when you have nothing in the hole cards

A time and place for it, Effective IF no one calls, My favorite win is calling one with twos, least fav is losing that hand :crazy_face: