Comparing Simple Strategies

Correction on hands included in “Passive Fish” strategy: I’ll also be play Ax suited from any position. So restating the list of preflop hands that will stick around for the flop unless there is a lot of aggression preflop:

  • all pairs
  • all broadway cards (AK, AQ, AJ, AT, KQ, KJ, KT, QJ, QT and JT)
  • all suited connectors (T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s, 54s, 43s, 32s)
  • Ax suited (A9s, A8s, A7s, A6s, A5s, A4s, A3s, A2s)
  • One gap suited connectors (J9s, T8s, 97s, 86s, 75s, 64s, 53s, 42s)

Hands that will stick around even with more pre-flop aggression: AA through TT, AK, and AQs.

Keys on making this work:

  • will need people to make bad calls on the rare occasions I go all in
  • having a few overly aggressive players that don’t adjust their aggression much would help a lot
  • the quality of fold/call decisions needs to be good (probably the hardest part of implementing this strategy successfully – probably easiest to just be pretty tight, as you’ll often end up in multi-way pots where it typically takes a pretty strong hand to win if anyone is displaying post flop aggression and you have other players calling)
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