To Bluff or Not to Bluff, That is the Question

Bluffing as a Strategy

Coming to Replay after playing several other sites the first thing I noticed is how much bluffing and outright Poker Bullies that Replay has.

It almost seems to be the status quo here and I think the reason is that there is no risk on a free chip site and players reward and enable the bluffers and Poker Bullies.

I have discussed strategy for countering a Poker Bully in my other article but I think we should discuss when and when not to use a bluff.

Types of Bluffs:

There are 3 generally defined types of bluffs.

  • Quick bluffs
  • Semi-bluffs
  • Stone-cold bluffs (or naked bluffs)

1- Quick bluff: Used when your opponents check and show no interest in the flop and the risk is low. A small or medium bet here might get you a quick fold and pot.

2- Semi-bluff: used when you think your opponent has a weak hand and you have a stronger possible such as a pair to trips or two pair hit or straight or flush hit. You are bluffing but actually betting on the possible hitting in this situation so a medium bet will either get you a fold or keep you in the hand to see if you hit on the turn and river.

3- Stone cold bluff: Used rarely by advanced players- this is when you have nothing on the flop or a valuable possible and you think your opponent hit but you use your stack value to scare off your opponent with a big bet usually bluffing on an open end straight or flush. This is a high risk bluff and usually ends badly but occasionally players get away with it.

Now let’s discuss when not to bluff:

Most of the time you should not bluff without a solid possible on the flop unless it is a low risk bet with opponents that you are pretty sure did not hit and show no interest in the flop.

Bluffing too often will get you called and expose your bluffs and once you are exposed bluffing you will lose respect for your bets and people will be more likely to call and stay to the river reducing your odds of using a good bet on a solid hand to take a pot early.

Don’t show your bluffs like you are proud of bluffing someone off a better hand.

All that does is expose that you are bluffing alot and will likely put a target on you for revenge by that and other players.

Do show your good hands occasionally

The reason for showing a good hand after a bet gets you a fold on a flop is to show the players on the table you were not bluffing so they should respect your bet.

You don’t have to do this every time but once in awhile and that shows people you are hitting and is likely to get you more folds when you bet or bluff.

Here is a very good article on the styles of bluffing and when and when not to bluff: