Would you or wouldn't you?

I’ll be 76 tomorrow. When I turned 75 I bought myself Cigar Emogi
new golf clubs and a new car. Well I leased the car. Good deal. I’m planning the last chapter and it’s full of activity. If I got a letter like that, I would go out in the backyard, and use it to light my cigar!
Cigar Emogi


Happy birthday and a great attitude :+1:t2: Great answer on the letter :joy:


Thank you!


Well… No. Honestly being given the date of your death would only cause you colossal amounts anxiety. You would frantically try to “make the most of your life” plus the fact that you would always have that question on the back of your head of how you will perish. The stress alone of seeing the years tick slowly down would probably do a number on you both mentally and physically (possibly killing you but that makes things get weird and paradox-y). So i would not open it. thing is that tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us so we must appreciate what we have in the present (because the here and now is a gift pun intended).


I thought about it, and I have to agree with you Cub9, the stress of it would be to much to handle, but I loved Gunmudder1 reply ,

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That would probably go into all of my other mail piles that get burned…would that change the outcome? I would like to think so…death is too finite, but fire is a double-edged sword.


Yes, would be stressful, I would not open it, I agree with you, harley and MFB

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I am a person that preaches “get your life in order “
Every one dies. If you have things in order, the day won’t matter, plus you can live with ease knowing things are in order!(will,dnr,etc)

Nope and No. It’s my life and I am busy enjoying it. The ones I love know I love them and I know they love me in return. Love and be loved for your allotted time. It really is that simple for me.
For me(and this is just me) the idea of being prepared and getting things in order because I know the date is a bs concept. I have had a whole lifetime to do the important stuff and to only do it at the end, like it’s an afterthought, is inconceivable.
My advice to all…
Put the petty squabbles of the past to rest and create treasured memories for the future.


when i received my letter it said 5 years so i ordered 5 more letters and now i am good til i am 81


My Great Grandfather knew exactly when he was going to die. The Judge told him.



Im going to have to say, if and only if, If I knew it could be a world of no hate, than yes .

I had one of those letters sent to me and when I opened it I realised I spelt my name wrong

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Of course, yes, immediately awakens the business vein, which says - “Insure your life”! And of course I want to be ready for it, to understand how successful I am in my business, and on the last day to come off as I have never come off!

Yes, I would open the envelope. If this is true, then I will be prepared for this, and if not, I will have a second birthday and it sounds pretty good)

I would open it and if I didn’t like the answer I would challenge the author to a game of double or nothing. What the heck!

At my AGE I would open it. Maybe last chance for Excitement LOL. Bring it on!


I’d like to know that so I can be prepared. Well in general, it’s impossible to prepare for it, I’d probably do all the things I wanted to try in this life and I’d probably be satisfied that I had time for everything. But if I think about it, I don’t even know what it would be like to know the date of my death. Imagine, you have to work to make everything come true, because you can’t go anywhere without money, when you work, you waste hours of your life, it would make you depressed…


I would open it, but I would prefer to receive that information via a fortune cookie.