Worst part of the outage, is my consecutive days streak was broken :-(

Worst part of the outage, is my consecutive days streak was broken :frowning:

Far as I know, any and all free bonus is as optional, may they grant you if you email them, not sure.


This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Lost my consecutive play bonus due to shutdown. Back to 500 from 2500.. Please reset back to 2500.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Unable to collect daily bonus Friday due to server being down.

Hi folks, 

Very sorry for the trouble with your daily bonuses over the weekend. Our team is working on getting this sorted out as quickly as possible, so hopefully we can get your bonuses deposited sometime later today. We’ll be sure to keep you posted though. 


I’m pleased to say ALL players who weren’t able to log-in on Fri, Sat and Sun have had their missed days bonuses credited and their accumulators reset back to what it should have been had their logged in on those days.

I’ve also checked chasepeeler, brassman3 and dugfresh, and you all received your missed bonuses and were reset successfully.