Who are your friends? What is community to you?

Praise, kindness and a sense of humor has always helped me out with the tough ones. Thank you for your comment.

Thank you for your insight.

My friends are ppl I love and community its place where I can bla bla bla…

Interesting division.

I feel a group hug coming on, Hahahaha :man_facepalming:t3:

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well that may be your opinion but i like playing and winning just like most. But i will show you my hand any time i win a hand. The funny thing not one person has ever thanked me. And all you people know when you fold a hand in river you would like to know what the winner had . thanks all

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Exactly my point , if you are nice enough to show your hand someone should say nh . If I am in the hand and fold and the winner shows I will usually say nh, thanks for showing.


Ahhh—I read the hand-showing action incorrectly. It’s a courtesy, then. I will do this in the future. Jan

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Think it depends on the situation… If they have it, it’s most certainly a courtesy. If not - while I don’t think it’s wrong - they’re just showing off the bluff :slight_smile:


In that case I just roll my eyes


LOL OMG Only you County


Somewhere on my “Dashboard”, if you look hard enough, you will find this quote from me:
“I Almost always ‘show’, and I Almost always have less than expected…”

I “almost always” show for reasons of my own which I always provide when asked, which
almost never happens…

I don’t do it to get a ‘thanks’, try not to look for that, and interestingly don’t get one more
often than not…

Interestingly, I think lol, I ALWAYS show the Bluffs…

If I didn’t show you on a given hand it’s because you didn’t deserve to see it, but you may
logically conclude it was not a bluff and be right 100% of the time, and that ought to be good enough…

The ‘reason’ you didn’t deserve to see? Ask me… I will tell you…





I know… you have to pay to see ?


That’s exactly what I thought when I read it lol


I make morons pay… friends see for free (most friends ) depending what list they are on .:grin:

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Hahahaha :joy:

dont think i have any friends on here:frowning_face:

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“The reason”…

No big mystery for me, I make a small bet when I want to be and expect to be ‘called’… The thinking for me is "what were you doing in the hand in the first place if you can’t call a ‘one money’ bet? …

Why hasn’t curiosity overwhelmed your good sense? lol…

Obviously, I wouldn’t call me either - when I ‘want to be called’ - lol, but ‘you’ couldn’t know that for sure, unless you got lost on the way to Vegas or Atlantic City and wound up here…

overall I see nice people here. the 500 + R tourneys are the worst though. they are very inexpensive, only half of 1K to play and with re entries, people play differently. EVERY hand has at least two people going all in knowing that if they lose they can just re enter. Right now I have over 13,000 chips so 26 shots at a great pot would be fun. I watch the dialogue box to see new players upset with that format. New players (or new friends just joining) will look at the inexpensive event as a great starting point and find an unwelcoming and bullyish playstyle. If a section of events for beginners were ever set up (and it should) then that one should not be included. I survived that kind of welcoming.


Who are my friends? Well that is a loaded question. I don’t have much time because a Tourney already started so I will be brief.
Friends are people who remember your birthday but don’t remember your age.
Forget about the past…you can’t change it.
Forget about the future …you can’t predict it.
Forget about the present…I didn’t get you one. lol