What Is The Scariest Thing You Ever Had To Do

With Halloween coming up in a few months, I thought I would address the topic of scary situations that you have had. Doing things that we are scared of is not an easy task. None of us like to feel scared, but things happen that either put us in these situations or that we put ourselves in. My scariest situations were when my horse, Warlock, slipped and fell with me on him and my leg got caught under him. Luckily, I was only bruised, but it was scary because I had no control over what happened. The other situation was when I made my first solo flight. I was so afraid to mess up or get lost, but in the end, everything went well. So the question is what is the scariest situation you have been in or put yourself in?


I think the scariest thing I ever did was start all over at age 25. After doing what everyone wanted me to do until then, this was a step into a brave new world. I pat myself on the back for the number of big moves I made that year–against all the odds. :slight_smile: Scary–but worth it.


Getting my pilot’s license my first solo cross country I stalled the plane and was doing a nose down spin with out my flight instructor. I was shaking so hard I impressed my self I could recover the plane.


So I’m about eight - ten years old or so, I guess. Visiting Grandma in Biddeford, Maine. Nice, old New England house, but let’s just say it all fit the “Stephen King New England” scary vibe perfectly for a kid - complete with - no joke - a cemetery across the street. Like, “I can see the tombstones outside my window” cemetery across the street.

My sister and I want to play a game - a board game about becoming an oil baron (King Oil - look it up - I remember it being kind of fun). Turns out all the games were kept in the basement. Of course they were. And me - being the older brother - had to go down and get it.

I stood at the top of the stairs as the creaky door slowly swung open, revealing stairs leading down into a bottomless pitch black chasm (eyes had not adjusted yet, but try telling that to a kid). The musty smell hit me right off the bat - oil, chemicals, wood - there was a complete workshop down there. (My Grandma was an absolutely amazing woman, but that’s another story). It was, as I remember now, a comforting smell. But not then - then, to my young senses, it was the smell of old things, of dead things.

I slowly walked down the steps. I can’t remember if I turned on a light or not - but even if I did, there wasn’t much of a light down down there - I remember it as a shop light on a long extension cord swinging from a hook in the ceiling right over the bandsaw.

So I get to the bottom, and - trying to simply focus on the task at hand and trying so hard to ignore everything else around me lest I catch a glimpse of the beast that surely lurked just feet away - I made a beeline to the the cabinet where the games were waiting.

I got it open and fumbled around until I found “King Oil,” and then I headed back to the stairs.

The easy part was over.

Now here I stood at the bottom of the stairs, knowing - just KNOWING - that once I started my ascent, that would the most dangerous moment. My back would be turned, and whatever fanged horror that dwelled silently in this place would surely grab my ankle and I’d never be heard from again. With my eyes locked onto the stairs, I couldn’t see the basement around me and behind me - but I could feel it. It was closing in.

And it was hungry.

I hesitated.

Then I ran. I ran and bounded up those stairs as fast as I’d ever done anything in my life. Wouldn’t be surprised if I screamed - a scream of one that knows his very soul would be damned if he didn’t move fast enough.

I burst through the door and slammed it behind me. I was alive. My heart was racing like a jackrabbit on speed, but I WAS ALIVE!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! Not today, evil vampire-werewolf-turtle beast!!! (I was terrified of turtles, but just the big angry ones. Give me a break, I was a kid).

Anyway, the point of the story is that “King Oil” must have been a hell of a great game. Oh, and the scary thing - that too.


I rescued a little cat from the top of a tall tree one time I had no ladder it was scary! But…I got the cat down


That makes you my hero! :star_struck:

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Bless you donkbusta444 for rescuing that cat. There are not many people that would do that. Thank you for sharing.


Thank u I had to because I could not sleep if I walked away

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I had to It bothered me Just couldn’t stand there and do nothing and my brother is too fat to climb the tree.

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I sure get that. A car in front of me once hit a cat and sped away. I tried to stop to help the cat but it dashed off, hopefully meaning it was okay. But it haunted me even so. :frowning:

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JanCee I know what u mean

Explaining to my Mom why I was drinking and coming in waaaaaay too late.


I know what you mean. I have been there and done that once. That is all it took for me to learn the lesson. Thank you for sharing.


Marine Corps Bootcamp at 18 years old. That was a scary 13 weeks :flushed: Welcome to Hell…


You didn’t know my Mom! Made everything else in my life a piece of cake!
Semper Fortis


I once told a woman, “I do.”

As it turns out, the fear was justified.


Hahahahahaha, I can relate to that !!!


I once told a woman “No”.


:rofl: :smiling_imp: I could have warned you.

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Called a check raise !!!