What gets under your skin?

Wow… just been lookong for you, miri123. Would love to play a game with you, but you re playing another league :grin:

Congrats! Many more to come.

I watched part of a recent online tournament Daniel Negreanu was playing on a site he was promoting. It had many great features like avatars and animated emotes. He was having great fun playing with the features etc whilst playing. One animated emote was the hurry up animated character giving: “Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz” which he used for fun. How is that possibly offensive or wrong? Seriously players & RP need to relax more. They take the fun out of poker. If one of the best players in the world can play & have fun why cant “we,” the players & RP?

I honestly don’t get why players & RP consider putting up “zzzzzzzzzzzzz” indicating a player is too slow should be a punishable offence. I totally agree fu is unacceptable and a warning/punishment is warranted.

Sure some players are too impatient, but some are way too slow repetitively. I’ve both given and been given the “zzzzzzzzzzz” hurry up message. I’ve been given it by impatient players with very little reason, so I’ll just laugh & ignore. To me it makes me happy cause it feels their impatient, Tilty and prob gonna play bad n give me their chips.

The rare occasion I’ve received it and deserved it I’ve made up my excuse, apologised for playing slow and played faster or sat out. I don’t want players wasting my time, nor do I want to waste their time.

At worst punish the spammers that continuously type “zzzzzzzzzzzz” unnecessarily but even then I’ll just ignore. Kids in primary school receive much worse physical & verbal abuse that they cant simply mute, and yet adults on RP are crying & getting upset over much, much less. Players need to grow a spine, get thicker skin & use the mute button more. Its there for a reason.

Players that report over insignificant nothings or jokes get under my skin.


When someone says, “zzzzzzz,” I say, “You realize that saying that makes people play slower, right?” “Problem” solved.

I used to play on a site where you could buy someone a donkey icon that would get posted next to their avatar. You could also buy them a bingo card, a turkey, or any of hundreds of other items. Buy them a donkey, they buy themselves a cup of coffee, you buy them another donkey, and so on. Everyone thought it was fun and funny, nobody got bent out of shape over it. This actually helped the site keep chip inflation in check.

If someone got out of hand, you could mute them, as you can do here. You could also summon a mod, who would come to the table and take action if warranted.

I won’t name the site, but they started 2 years after Replay, and the last time I checked, had more than 75 times the traffic. What does that tell you?

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Its a nice flop when things can only get better… a hell of a lot better too…


Why you wont name the site ? :thinking:

I agree …

Because I consider it bad form to promote another site on this site’s forum.


Thanks Sunny, appreciated


People who seem to be on a mission of perpetual annoyance and who aren’t friendly enough to even speak to or have a verbal exchange with any sign of intelligence or manners at all. The bingo donkey all-in w 9 4 off shmozers who’s only purpose in life is to be a pain in the ass as often as possible. Those putz’s. Can we say donkey bingo here and not be censored? I wish we could use adult language, as well. Peace.


If you were to go and on like a commercial for men who suffer from low testosterone and how they can change it NOW…that would be promotional. Naming it is neither a promotion of, nor is it a criticism of the site. It would, however, provide the answer to the question in many(maybe) minds here. That’s more positive than keeping people in suspense for no reason at all. Which is considered by some to be a mean person’s characteristic. And everyone knows that mean people suck.

What gets under my skin is the person who, pre-flop, time and time again, goes all in. That’s okay (because expected) in Rebuy games, but when I’m trying to play well in a serious competition and someone starts doing that, that really gets under my skin. I haven’t read the other comments yet but my theory is that at least 80% will say this.


This has happened so often that it doesn’t bother me so much anymore, I try to just laugh it off. After being patient and finality hitting my hand, I bet big, most fold but there always seems to be a caller and yep she/he hits their miracle card ( 1,2,3 ) out card on the river to beat me. IE. I have the nut str8, they hit a runner/runner flush with a 4/7. I have the nut flush and they hit a fullhouse. I have been beat with quads by a str8/fl. They hit 2 miracle cards to beat me. That’s Poker right! Unfortunately, it happens almost every time i play. SunPowerGuru says no whining! Sounds like good advice. Good luck on the tables and wash your hands. :slight_smile:


I think we all have been on both sides of that sort of thing, No need to apologize when you benefit or cry when you don’t.

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I’m definitly with you. This happens to often on Replay and that’s the reason I don’t play anymore on Reply. I can understand it if the player is short stacked and needs to double up and I use to do so myselfe in such a situation. But at the beginnig of a tournament in the first hands it doesn’t have to be, above all not with bad hands like K9 or A2 offsuited. But on Replay you don’t play for real money and so some people think, they don’t have to take the game seriously. It’s no limit in the most times so it’s not forbidden to play in this way. Just play more often offline with your friends and not on Replay or just pot limit omaha tournaments :slight_smile:

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Ok, I can see that. Although just naming the site alone wont be promoting or supporting it, I think. But it’s your decision, I will respect that.

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I literally hate pre flop all ins, especially with the really bad hands those guys have most of the time. If you go all in preflop with 2 aces or kings, I consider this a calculated risk, which you can take, but if I see those “suicide bombers” with 3,5 or 2,6 and the like unsuited going all in, I like to throw up.


Yes. I often go all-in pre-flop with AA, but it seems I’m doomed when I try a pre-flop all-in with AK, so I’ve weaned myself off that choice. Thanks for affirming my comment.

A Hearty Welcome to our 'hood, Mother H… :>))) … This ain’t a bad free poker site - hang in there with it - find your ‘niche’ and make your way - don’t forget to at least sign in every day just to get the free chips even if you can’t stay… Get a streak going and … Who knows??? :>))) …



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Yup–that’s how it happens! Five years later you’ll realize you’re hooked, with a whole bunch of new friends from all over the world, one of whom goes by WinstonSmith!