What are LEAGUES and what is the advantage of being in one?

League - why?

There are 2 types of leagues. The first are basically private tournaments that only members of that league can join. The other type are open to everyone and are linked to leaderboards on the promotion page. The regional leagues (American, Oceanic, Asian and European) run 2 games a day and have a monthly leaderboard attached that could award you extra chips if you play these games often and well :slight_smile: The gemstones are the same, only the awards are weekly for 1st 7 and best 7. The Astral SNG likewise has a leaderboard (I think its weekly). Basically, if you are only joining random tournaments, you can be missing out on both extra chips and the opportunity to make friends when you see the same people regularly.


Thank You very much Bahia ! … You have given me understanding. I appreciate your explanations - lucid … like those psychic green eyes . . . . . .

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