Timebank trop court


Je signale aux modérateurs que le timebank ce n’est pas possible, on a à peine 7 secondes pour jouer, la plupart du temps la main est couchée ou on n’a pas eu le temps de faire ce qu’on voulait.

Par exemple j’étais sur un coup où je devais 4bet all in, et puisque j’avais tapé le montant d’une relance il n’a jamais voulu prendre en compte lorsque j’appuyais sur “All In (il restait bloqué)”, je me suis donc vu contraint de seulement call et il touche deuxième paires turn, et je suis éliminé comme ça… finalement à cause du bouton flash qui n’a pas voulu valider mon action all in au flop.

Entre le temps extrêmement court (à peine 7 secondes) et les boutons qui déconnent, c’est vraiment inconfortable et désagréable, c’est dommage pour un site gratuit, il m’a l’air assez complet mais si vous pouviez améliorer tout ça (surtout le temps…Mettre au moins 25 secondes par timebank), vous ne pourriez qu’améliorer le confort des joueurs pour un poker plus optimal.

Translation …Timebank too short
Suggestions & Feedback


I point out to the moderators that timebank is not possible, we barely have 7 seconds to play, most of the time the hand is down or we did not have time to do what we wanted.

For example I was on a move where I had to 4bet all in, and since I had typed the amount of a raise it never wanted to take into account when I pressed “All In (it remained blocked)” , so I saw myself forced to just call and he hit second pair turn, and I was eliminated like that… finally because of the flash button which did not want to validate my action all in on the flop.

Between the extremely short time (barely 7 seconds) and the buttons messing around, it’s really uncomfortable and unpleasant, it’s a shame for a free site, it seems quite complete to me but if you could improve all that (especially the time… Put at least 25 seconds per timebank), you could only improve the comfort of the players for a more optimal poker

I agree 7 seconds is very short, the issue is that at small stakes games especially, players are commonly away from the keyboard and therefore will use their whole time bank which is very annoying for the rest of the players and to sit their and wait 25 seconds for their time bank to run out would be terrible. If I would decide what the time bank would be, I would say the higher the stakes, the more time you should have. It makes sense most of the low stakes decisions you have to make are almost automatic, but in the high stakes it takes more time with some plays and therefore they should get more time.


Lorsque je dis 7 secondes de timebank je parle des tournois à 1 million de buy-in.

Je ne crois pas que les joueurs attendrons 25 secondes par chaque joueurs, mais ça améliorerait largement le confort, notamment en cach-game grosse limite où le timebank est encore plus court qu’en tournoi, lol je ne vous raconte pas la galère pour miser manuellement, surtout si vous voulez taper un nombre à 7 chiffres. Est-ce vraiment impossible d’augmenter le time de quelques secondes, ça ne ralentirait pas la partie plus que ça je pense. À moins que ce soit dans un soucis de faire durer une partie le moins longtemps possible.

Merci, de m’avoir répondu.


When I say 7 seconds of timebank I mean 1 million buy-in tournaments.

I do not believe that the players will wait 25 seconds for each player, but that would greatly improve the comfort, especially in big limit cach-game where the timebank is even shorter than in a tournament, lol I am not telling you about the hassle to bet manually, especially if you want to type a 7-digit number. Is it really impossible to increase the time by a few seconds, it wouldn’t slow down the game more than that I think. Unless it is for the sake of making a game last as short as possible.

Thank you for your reply.
