Think before you speak

SP you could never be mean in my eyes - Banter is great :slight_smile:

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Yeah, you know I was just messin’ with you. :slight_smile:

I don’t really think you or this post is goofy.


Welcome to the Forum, TiggeryPokery! Well before I was a Player Rep I reported a few people who actually said bad things to me about me. (Would far rather it had all been behind my back.) Action was always taken. I was able to provide hand numbers so the offensive moments could be observed in replay mode. Those details really help our moderators.


how could anyone say any bad things about you, your a sweetheart.

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I know, Harley! My mom and I both agree with you! lol


damn your good woman lol.

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i never think before speaking, i always say whats on my mind, guess thats why i get so many warnings, i believe in freedom of speech, i believe in democracy and stitches for snitches, cheers

As far as I’m concerned, my freedom includes freedom to keep my thoughts to myself. :slight_smile:

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thanks god we dont live in communist time, i would be jailed for life or sentenced to death lol


And…would it be totally worth it? lol (Never to me!)

I have been on several tables where the men are talking about the fact that there should be no women aloud in the game. I have to tell you – it depends on my mood. If I am in a good mood I just leave. If I am a bit cranky – I take their chips then leave. :innocent:

But confrontation never seems to be a good solution.


I love your “take their chips” approach! I haven’t bumped into anyone here with a “men only” attitude. But if I did, I’d stay long enough take their chips for sure, just to show them!

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let me introduce you, to myself, woman .

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called table talk ok

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Sometimes I’ve wondered if maybe our “Girl power!” comments are offensive to men at the tables.


I think the whole concept of “girl power” is offensive. The idea that women need to band together along gender lines in order to compete with men is demeaning to women. Same goes for “women only” events in the World Series of Poker. It’s like women are demanding equality while admitting their inferiority.

You’ll never see “men only” poker events. You’ll never see men band together to eliminate a woman at the table.


Except for all those centuries of human history when men banded together to exclude women from everything.

You cant blame someone today for what their ancestors did, live in the now man :slight_smile:

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The past is before us.

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ooo cryptic, kind of philosophical, I like it :slight_smile:

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