Start at 0:50 Mark
Seinfeld - The Lost Episode
George: You know Luke, the guy who lives down the hall playing Replay poker all the time?
Jerry: Yeah, what about him?
George: He says he can STILL play better.
Jerry: Oh, yeah, sure like 900M isn’t going to cut it.
(Kramer enters) High tone voice - You want my computer? I don’t want it!
Jerry: What happened to you?
Kramer: I was all in Jerry! All in!
Jerry: Against Luke? We were just talking about him
Kramer: Yeah! All in with Queens and then an ace rivered. He got me again Jerry!
Jerry: I told you he was too good! Why do you keep playing him anyway?
Kramer: I have a bet with Newman I’ll eventually have more chips than him.
Jerry: More chips? More chips! Luke has 900 Million! Do you know how much that is?
Kramer: In time, it’s possible Jerry!
Jerry: How many chips do you have now?
Kramer: (high tone voice) 6 Million
George: Did you say 6 Million? You know you could buy chips there to win your bet.
Kramer: Giddy up! How much would it cost?
George: I don’t know… 6 Million?
Kramer: Luke has 999 Million!
Elaine: No way!
George: Really? Is that right? How is that possible?
Jerry: How is it possible? Luke just turns on his computer, Yada, Yada, Yada, and then he has all the chips!
Maggie Smith like Prince, best ever RIP RIP
been there
I’m still there my my pal )
Always tomorrow, start afresh,
My Dad’s favorite player as Mom loved Johnny Bench. I was born into a Red’s family, and haven’t missed many games in my life time. Met a few of the players like Johnny and Joe Morgan. Too bad you didn’t see your name on the Hall of Fame Wall. RIP Pete…