The Totally Topic-less Anything Except Complaining Thread

Start at 0:50 Mark

Have a great Friday the 13th. Good Luck at the tables…

Seinfeld - The Lost Episode

George: You know Luke, the guy who lives down the hall playing Replay poker all the time?

Jerry: Yeah, what about him?

George: He says he can STILL play better.

Jerry: Oh, yeah, sure like 900M isn’t going to cut it.

(Kramer enters) High tone voice - You want my computer? I don’t want it!

Jerry: What happened to you?

Kramer: I was all in Jerry! All in!

Jerry: Against Luke? We were just talking about him

Kramer: Yeah! All in with Queens and then an ace rivered. He got me again Jerry!

Jerry: I told you he was too good! Why do you keep playing him anyway?

Kramer: I have a bet with Newman I’ll eventually have more chips than him.

Jerry: More chips? More chips! Luke has 900 Million! Do you know how much that is?

Kramer: In time, it’s possible Jerry!

Jerry: How many chips do you have now?

Kramer: (high tone voice) 6 Million

George: Did you say 6 Million? You know you could buy chips there to win your bet.

Kramer: Giddy up! How much would it cost?

George: I don’t know… 6 Million?

Kramer: Luke has 999 Million!
Elaine: No way!
George: Really? Is that right? How is that possible?
Jerry: How is it possible? Luke just turns on his computer, Yada, Yada, Yada, and then he has all the chips!

Maggie Smith like Prince, best ever RIP RIP

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Surprised no one else mentioned his passing, 10 - 4 rubber duck quack RIP, oh to be so handsome :slight_smile:

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been there

I’m still there my my pal )

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Always tomorrow, start afresh, :slight_smile:


My Dad’s favorite player as Mom loved Johnny Bench. I was born into a Red’s family, and haven’t missed many games in my life time. Met a few of the players like Johnny and Joe Morgan. Too bad you didn’t see your name on the Hall of Fame Wall. RIP Pete…