Thanks to all Teachers of our Children

As I stated , I want to thank all of our Great teachers in the school’s teaching our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren the things they will need to know to be successful in this world. We still have a lot of Great current teachers actively teaching. I believe if you want to judge or debate some teachers performance, it should be in another post. Thanks

It shouldn’t even be discussed in the forums. Take it to the schools.

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@YianniM , anyone , the theme of this subject is to thank all Great teachers to our children not the ones you are referring to. I agree there are a lot of bad & evil things in our school system’s and suggest you start a new topic subject with your remarks and concerns. However this subject is about Giving thanks to all of our Great Teachers.

Hats off to all our great teachers but I was reading and article last night that teachers are finally speaking out out saying that teaching is now a hell hole. The average 7th graders have the knowledge of a 4th grade student, teacher violence is up with the students, hardly any students attend class anymore and teacher retention is down 17% across the country and teacher depression is up 20%. It’s not like the old days.

The teaching starts at home with the parent/parents and it’s just not happening anymore. The downfall of America.

I wouldn’t want to be a teacher in this day and age and I applaud those teachers that stick it out as a career. BRAVO :raised_hands:t2:

As a new school year begins, I wish the very best year ever for our teachers and student’s !!

I ask & encourage everyone to support our Great Teachers in our School’s

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