Tables kept changing?

I was in sunday million 11 in the money and it started changing tables every 15 seconds and sitting me out and folding . it started at 67824973 would someone please check this out? Thank you

Hi RandyMc

Sorry for this inconvenience, sounds very annoying, good you reported it with the hand number. I forwarded it to the tech-team, they will investigate this issue.

Thanks for reporting. Greetings Happiness.

Thanks Happiness no big deal just was wondering

Hi happened again in the free roll tonight kept sitting me out folding and changing tables every 30 seconds went from 7000 chips to 150 before it would let me play. also a High Ace beat my three 7’s I think something is wrong. Came in one before any pay 13 paid to 12 Hands 67873529 67873696 67873784 67874015

Thanks we’ll continue to investigate and see what we find. Has anyone else experience a similar problem?
