Same Replay, New Look: Feedback on our new design

to hard to find what you are looking for

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Did it, Ty:) your right.

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Can log out now, ty:)

Happens A LOT past many months now. I got frozen on flopping set oh K’s and had to watch a BIG pot won with 2 pair, if real money I cry lol.

Since everyone is mentioning it here - lots of lagging, disconnects and hands ending without being able to see what happened:( I’ve also been disconnected and found it difficult to get back in the game. Have to shut down the pages and go back in a few times.
Otherwise, I realize that a new look takes some getting used to, so one has to find everything anew. But, I do find this new look to be challenging - kind of ranging all over the place and not seeing what I’m looking for or not sure of the game, the fee, etc.
Can log out, but it’s half covered by ‘Friends Online’.


As stated in my last comment - logout is half covered by ‘Friends Online’ as is the 'Swag Store?!!. Thanks.

With my eyes I’m good with the font size but “see” what others are saying, Perhaps a small medium large option?


Personally, I do not like the look and navigation. Also colors don’t work for us colorblind people! For example on the table play, checkmarks for check/fold, bet, raise changed and I can’t see the check. Should be white.


Another thought. If you are enlarging the graphics for better visibility why not increase the size of the players chip stack counts. It would be very helpful especially in team poker


I am color blinded, hmmm, maybe that is why it is tougher and looks weird 2 me 2:)

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Yet another observation:) I turned down the screen brightness setting and the dashboard became easier on my eyes, although this page is a little harder to see. Maybe, too much contrast between the white and navy. It’s almost like those optical illusions where you stare at a black on white object for 30 seconds then look over to the contrasting blank space and the image/object appears there. Hope that helps.

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OK update , I know you said the new look has nothing to do with the table lagging and freezing but it does , haven’t had this problem for a long time . Was almost impossible for me to play in my league game


Lousy. Hurts my eyes. Too much contrast.



Can’t click on Community Forums.


I can click on it when I zoom out to 90%.

Granted that’s a minor inconvenience, but perhaps it suggests that it’s all just too large.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Site freezing regularly

Everything needs to be reduced in scale, because it’s clearly not right. I can’t believe they actually just went ahead and released it without publicly testing it first. Quite a few more issues I’ve noticed in the table windows as well as on the main website itself.


It looks over large and garish at 100% sizing. It reminds me of those books with the bold, oversize letters children learn to read from. Size the dashboard down to 80% and the lobby to 90% and it looks really good. Fresh, clean, informative and easy to read which is always a good thing.
Maybe the tech team could have a play around with this. I’m sure they will be pleasantly surprised by how much better it can look.


I was going to mention, it’s gone from what looked like a tidy professional sensible website to a kids website. That’s what puts me off it so much. We don’t need fancy giant fonts, we just need a simple functioning site to play on.


Simpler to F11 for full screen, until they fix it.

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I absolutely love that we can now see who is watching the game. Excellent add guys. That said, the colors are not to my taste. I’ve heard complaints from others that say the new look is giving them headaches, and even I think the new red is hard to look at.