RWG predict the top 5 countries

Just thinking if nobody got it right after the games,why not use a point system to get the best guess.For example: guess result points points earned
1-USA 1 5 5
2-Canada 3 4 4-1= 3
3-Australia 7 3 3-4= -1
4-UK 11 2 2-9= -7
5-South Africa 2 1 3+2= 4
max points=15 total earned =4
To qualify for points all 5 countries of the guessed must have won a medal at least .

I’ve put spaces in, but when i posted it they were taken away.Let me put it this way.USA at 1 earn you 5 points .if you have Canada at 2 but they end at 3 it is 4-1 point ,if you have South Africa in 5 but they end at 2 it is 1+3 points.If there is a country on the list that did not won a medal you do not qualify for points.