Replay Rebuy Policy

When do you get the mission chips added to total?

Been playing for a good number of years…just about always ring games. I have some ordinary questions about how to do some of the things I see done during play:

  1. A seat comes open. One of the players moves over to take that seat. How do they do this?
  2. Hand ends with all but winner mucking. Winner shows his hand. How do they do this?
  3. Players make bets that are nice round numbers unrelated to the blind size or previous action. I am totally unable to do this using the silly bar…it is way too sensitive, and I have given up trying to use it (got timed out too many times). How do they do this?
  4. How and where can I submit general questions similar to the above? There does not appear to be a “general” or “other” category at the help link.


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Answer 1. They leave and rejoin the table and choose the desired empty seat
Answer 2. In the game settings you can choose to show your hand. Above the table there is a gear cog emblem, sellect that, select “show hands” and away ya go.
Answer 3. You can type in your desired bet. Just be careful not to type an extra zero. Lol
Answer 4. Have a look at thread titles in the forum and post your questions on a thread that sounds like the right place. The moderators will move it if they feel a better thread already exists. Easy peezey lemon squeezy. The important thing is to keep asking those questions.
Good luck and play well.
The sinner.


I play some cheap tourneys these days, having gotten a bit ‘long in the tooth’ as “they” say, and the result is I see a lot of nonsensical betting/raising - my cards decide for me whether I want to engage the mopes or not, but it’s always in the back of my mind to remember "It’s FREE poker, so it ain’t REAL poker… And, that’s that…

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ces pas de ma faute Doc_Adams si tu te fait sortir par 1 triple 10 j’espere que tu sais ces quoi avoir de l’intuition j’ai commencer la semaine derrniere a jouer sur replay je t’invite suir pokerstars si tu veux n’importe quell j’en ai que j’ai meme pas jouer encore ces pas etre fou des technique que tu apprends a longue de jouer et il a aussi la chance desolé de t’avoir sortis avec mon ttiple 10 tu as suivis au mauvais moment
it’s not my fault Doc_Adams if you get out by 1 triple 10 I hope you know what to have some intuition I started playing on replay last week I invite you to follow pokerstars if you want whatever I have some that I haven’t even played yet these steps be crazy about the techniques that you learn a long time to play and he is also lucky to have taken you out with my ttiple 10 you followed at the wrong time

rebuys are a blast, don’t play them anymore because they’re too cheap, too little payoff for so much time. Wish Replay would install 50k rebuy with 3/4 rebuys max, I’d play that one

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It is 1 game out of many don’t like it don’t play it.Complain about a game you don’t have to play. What, afraid of losing that’s, poker baby! I don’t tell you how to play your hand please don’t tell me.

It’s jerks like that who ruin the game for all of the other players! Can’t not play a game once it’s started. Has nothing to do with losing. Maybe they should set up a special table for those who want to go all in on every hand.

That’s why I rarely play those tables. It’s boring enough on a 9-person sit-n-go. yawns : P

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Ist ihnen vielleicht aufgefallen: Hier geht es nicht um echtes Geld, es geht nur um “wertlose” virtuelle Chips. Sie nehmen, das also alles viel zu ernst. Diese “Bankroll Builder” haben natürlich nichts mit echtem Poker zu tun, sie sind eher so etwas wie eine lustige Partie “Russisch Roulette” für Kinder.
Also: Immer und überall All In :slight_smile:

You may have noticed: This isn’t about real money, it’s just about “worthless” virtual chips. So you’re taking it all way too seriously. Of course, these “bankroll builders” have nothing to do with real poker, they are more like a fun game of Russian Roulette for kids.
So: always and everywhere all in :slight_smile:

Sie verstehen vielleicht nicht, dass es nicht immer um die Chips geht. Manche Leute spielen für die Herausforderung des Wettbewerbs oder einfach nur zur Entspannung. Nicht für irgendeinen „Idioten“, der jedes Mal aufs Ganze geht!

They may not understand that it’s not always about the chips. Some people play for the challenge of competition or just for relaxation. Not for some “idiot” who goes all out every time!

On the free games, Replay should limit the times a player can request new chips. Some players just bet the limit every hand and that ruins the game. It shows no skill or knowledge.


Re buy tournaments are ultra loose & aggressive, pick your games & tables. I never play re-buys for that very reason its just a crap shoot. Some people enjoy it tho so good luck to them but not for me. Stick to the normal tournaments you will still meet maniacs but that’s poker & you have to learn to deal with them & accept the hi variance even if you have pocket aces… it is what it is & what keeps them coming back but they lose in the long run. But you will get involved with car crashes when a whole table is tilted & all end up charging in & your AA’s will get cracked by 7 2 off suit, you have to move on to the next hand.

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Totally agree with you. Very well said.

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