Profile player

Is the profile of other players important to take account when playing poker ?

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I think that we should not take it into account but above all analyze the game well…

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I like to have a look at several things on a player’s profile: How long they’ve been at Replay Poker, how many chips they have, how many friends they have, and–hopefully–how they’ve described themselves on their profiles page. It all helps me to have a feel for who I’m playing–and also–sometimes helps to start up a chat.


I think it’s more important to focus on one hand at a time and get a feel for how others play. Profiles only say so much, I wouldn’t use it as a way to try to suss someone out.

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and your the reason i think all of that should be private unless the player wants to share…just like the gov too nosy lol


I think it’s very important to provide you with some insight regarding your opposing players at the table.


Statistics are a valuable commodity. What isn’t is the players sex, age, profession. Things like like are useless unless you want a new friend and how do you know it’s true. Most don’t even share a bio.


I don’t really use the bios myself. Except to check a player’s chip count. The higher the chips banked. The more seriously I take them. I figure they must’ve earned them somehow. Or, like Craig, you must’ve scrounged through your couch cushions for those extra chips that fall there by accident…hehe :slight_smile:

~mark :slight_smile:


In this instance, I can only know what you yourself put on your profile page. :slight_smile:

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To some extent you can use information from a profile to figure out some information about a player. For example, the player is playing in a tournament that is 1 million chips to enter, and he only has a quarter of a million chips left in his account. Most likely he bought the chips, because he wanted to play against the best tournament players on RP and is not a very experienced player in these tournaments.

On the other hand the player is in a tournament that is a million chips to enter, and he has a billion chips in his account. He has obviously been on the site for a while and has consistently played successfully.

You combine this information with whether it is your perception that the player perhaps tends to overcall or overraise or overbluff with overbets and try to use this to your own advantage.

You can get some other information from some profiles. Most of them say something like “I am retired and I live in Bear Creek Woods Minnesota.” If it says something like “I am a retired attorney” then probably that person thinks they are very smart and likes to show their cards when they have bluffed you.

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Perception is one thing deception is another thing. You make good points but how do you know.

What I would like is to be able to have a list of tournaments won or major events won in our dashboards so we could see what or how are opponents are or how good they are.


I like that idea :+1:t2:

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I really like that idea as well.
I went through my tourneys a few months back, seen that I won 4 in '21 and '22, won 4 so far this year.
Sadly for me my last win was back in January, my chips have been going down the drain like a whirlpool lately, lol.
Would be awesome to be able to see everyone’s MTT wins, see what you can do Mark :slight_smile:

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I really think this is unnecessay since all you have to do is, just ask them. I’ve found most poker players would always be willing to tell you just how good they are.

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I respect your opinion. But I still like the idea. :slight_smile:

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Would be useful. I have no idea how many tournaments I have won. You can get a list of your results, but it’s tedious to scroll through hundreds of tournaments.

I think that’s a great idea.

I’d say no. It could be anyone, how long theyve been here may not matter they could have played more poker overall than you, etc. I know people who have won millions in less than a month and lost em just as fast so rank doesnt always matter. I’d say the best thing to do would be to watch them play and base your strategy on their patterns


I check the player’s “Latest Achievements”. If he’s won ten tournaments he’s got the Poker Ace badge. Maybe Replay could expand upon this to add 20-win, 50-win, whatever. More telling than the Jackson Fives award…