Poker Memes: Hilarious + Sometimes Informative = -1% Titled

Apparently the internet is good for something … Might as well laugh about the game we love to hate - ChinoD
PREFLOP w/ “KK” > :heart_eyes_cat: After 3 people Limp-call your 7x EP raise :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

oh yea, the meme :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Shoutout to my Replay :sunglasses: :neutral_face: :woman:t5:S Q U A D @Younguru @Lelaina

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@Younguru @Lelaina S Q U A D

Later in life, when you look back on your days grinding in the poker rooms of Replay, I predict you’ll be saying to yourself, “When it comes to poker, I really think I’ve seen everything”. Just look at Nicholas Cage here … implementing Replay’s signature “33% Rule”


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