Thor threw his hammer into the sky and challenged his mightest warriors to be the first to reach it and go down in history. One by one 29 warriors fought to obtain immortallity. But there can be only one. Luke @Younguru continued his incredible run of dominance by aggressively betting, tactically calling and even winning a few flips. This brought him not only victory tonight, but set a new record with his 6th victory this quarter. @gunslinger13 fought valiantly for the 2nd spot and our other 5 time winner this quarter Norris @_snowman also reached the podium and @krista proved just how talented a player she is grabbing 4th despite having to make an early exit. Great game as @Excaliburns and @southwestmba witnessed their record break and appluded the excellent play.
Speaking of broken records @Younguru has shattered the Omaha quarterly points record and @_snowman has done likewise with the Holdâem quarterly points record. Only @southwestmba combined points record remains intact (for now)