How to play Replay Poker on your mobile device

If you wish to play poker on Replay using your IPad (and presumably other mobile devices) simply download the “Puffin Browser” ( ) and away you go.

It seems to work very well, very fast and once you find your way around the features you can chat easily and even use a virtual mouse, although I found that a mouse is not necessary).


I just tried it on my iphone 6 plus! You need good eye sight but it works just fine on that too. Puffin has a full screen size option which appears in the top left corner and when selected it adjusts the screen to fit your device :sunglasses:

I can’t wait to try it! Thank you!

Wow - I’ll try it - thanks. Been waiting for a way to play on mobile devices

It appears that Puffin Browser for IOS devices (iPhone, iPad) is going to be discontinued from the 1st July 2019 so if you have an IOS device and you wish to continue to use it to play Replay Poker you could try Photon.

In the app store I found Photon Flash Player for iPhone (rating 3.4) and Photon Flash Player and Anonymous Browser (rating 2.7). I paid for the Photon Flash Player for iPhone and downloaded it to my iPad.

I was able to log into Replay and play a game. It took a little bit of experimentation to see how things work but once I was familiar with it it seemed ok, my only complaint is the screen could be a little bigger. Note, I only played a few hands, not an entire tournament.

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Been on here for a while. Recently my desktop crashed and I switched to an old laptop. I played league games. Well the lag on my laptop makes it unusable. When I switched to mobile it is fast enough but I can’t access league games or any tourneys for that matter. Is that just a fact of using mobile or is there a solution ? Any ideas appreciated.

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You can only play ring games on Android devices and you can’t play at all on IOS because the app was taken down for mobile.

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In the Team Play Poker League players regularly play on their mobile phone, indeed at least 1 is doing it as I type this. Just go to replay via google, login, find your league, register and play as normal, but you can’t chat.


Hi @Cponyman!

You can still play tournaments using your mobile device, but you have to access your Replay account using a browser:

Right now our mobile app only has ring games.

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I have been playing for a while now on my iPad, but occasionally it disconnects, I have tried rebooting it But still disconnects occasionally. I have very good Internet speed, any thoughts?

Turn off your wifi for a few minutes and then turn it back on :+1:t2:

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Okay I’ll try that, many thanks

Your welcome. It works for me . ( computer/ mobile/ tablet. )
Hope it helps.