Fortune cookie wisdom

LOL, you’re probably right. The “fortunes” mentioned were what I thought I remembered from many decades of eating those cookies, Most of those fortunes are nothing special, but every now and then, one would stick with me. I’m not surprised I remembered one “less than perfectly.” On the other hand, I suspect “two wives” would be worse. Thankfully, I’ll never have to find out.
I hope things are going well for you in the games.


For your info, Fourtune Cookies, Not Chinese wisdom. San Francisco
fourtune cookie factory… American wisdom
BLUEDIME I live 103 miles south of Frisco.

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That’s better than no wisdom at all, I guess.


There is no mistake so great as that of being always right.


Amar o proximo

Amar o próximo mesmo que este esteja longe…

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Send help! I’m being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory.


That Wasn’t Chicken


The fortune you seek is in another cookie.

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This ink is not food grade


I like to add the words IN BED to the end of any fortune that I receive. It usually adds a little


A closed mouth gathers no feet.

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A friend asks only for your time not your money.


Good for your mother! I’m thirty years younger than she and have been very ill for a dozen years now. I could go on a bit about what I’ve done or not done to try and maintain (my) health but this is not the place to do that so I’ll confine my conversation to fortune cookies and a question.
When my ex-wife and I would eat out (Chinese) it always seemed that when we opened our fortune cookies that we both chose the wrong one. So after a few years of this happening we just decided that one of us should just pick whichever one we were instinctively inclined to choose and then immediately trade. That always seemed to work out better! We were divorced after ten years and with (perhaps) too much time for reflection in the past 25 years or so I’m thinking that maybe I should have remembered the ones that I gave to her that didn’t seem right for moi. Perhaps there were a few “tells” there! LOL!

My question is: How does one do a ‘stand-alone’ comment here? I know I’m going to be doing a Homer (doh!) when you reply. I usually just pick a comment by someone else that is halfway close to what I want to add and hit the reply button.

A quote I picked up somewhere…If it doesn’t kill you it usually makes you stronger!

On a somewhat similar note, John Lennon said that ‘life is what happens while we’re making other plans.’ One of the truest things I’ve ever heard.

Here’s one that should be included. “The cookies lie.”

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Hi Mutant–It’s good to hear from you here. I’ll send you a Friend request in case you still need more info after what I’ve offered below:

If you want to start a new topic–is that what you’re asking?–you go to the very top of the Community Forums and look to the right for the big blue button that says “New Topic.” Once you click on that, you have to choose a category under which the new topic will fit.

If that’s not your question, clarify for me. I can see that you’ve hit Reply to my message and also that you’ve hit just Reply, so it seems you can do both of those actions.

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I understand how to start a new topic. What I’m asking is how do I just add my own two-cents worth in an open thread without having to “reply” to another comment. For instance, I was reading on a more technical topic and would have liked to summarize or give my opinion on the topic or various aspects of such without necessarily replying to any one comment. I’m preparing for that ‘doh’ moment as I type!

So there are two reply buttons: One is at the base of the message someone posted, the other is at the bottom of the string of all messages under that topic. If you click the bottom one under the whole string, it should then appear as a totally independent comment, not tied to anyone’s previous comment. Give it a try? Let me know.

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Thank you! Perhaps a few more people might comment if that were explained somewhere. Perhaps it already exists. I’m not one to just start clicking on everything to discover things like that. RP seems to have no clue when certain basic things that are logical (I’m a chessplayer) are involved. What’s worse–they don’t care. The new tables were DOA with me even before I played on them. The new lay-out defies logic and is an insult to our game! The ONLY thing that I found to be an improvement was the enlarged avatars. Even the old tables had a few problems. But then what do I know? If you know/knew my background you would appreciate the irony in that last sentence. Thank you once again!

1/2 of a doh!

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