Faux Flush

Adding to what SPG said, a couple of screenshots does not, in any way at all, provide meaningful data.

It will be much easier (ie. possible!) to take you seriously if you have some data. To generate data, you need to do 2 very easy things.

  1. Define, precisely, the question that you are investigating
  2. Keep a record of every hand that you are dealt in for at least 1000 hands.

The question seems to be something like:
“How often do I get dealt suited cards AND the flop comes with 3 suited cards that are different to the suit that I am holding?”

I suggest that you record every hand so that you have a “control”: apart from examining the actual question, we can also see if 3 suited cards occur, on the flop, according to the mathematical expectation.

I would also suggest that 1000 hands is not enough, by far, to provide any certainty but it is easily sufficient to indicate whether further investigation is warranted. For the record, your results after 5000 hands do become interesting and after 10000 hands we can draw some fairly definite conclusions.

It is ALWAYS the case that the questions of randomness can only be answered with a sufficiently large data set. I do understand that it’s much easier to throw accusations and mumbo-jumbo around the forum but that doesn’t really achieve anything.

An indication of how this sort of “research” is done is covered, very briefly, in this post:

See you when you get back with your data set :slight_smile:
