Dream Weaver

Who is Richard? Happy belated B-Day to you.

Wow, I am super impressed especially seeing our turn out was low, and you did it without my flaming sword. I went out early not able to catch hardly any cards. FYI, the dealer is not doing well this morning.

My feelings are hurt because I mainly rely on intimidation of my opponents by their seeing my flaming sword and they just head for the hills.

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Very impressive play last night, going to be a great month of battles!

I made some options and cleaned up a few things on some of your avatars Rens
You can find them here.
Renegades Published Avatars Link


Congratulations Pirates on the win! 92 team points, very nice!

Good fight Rens ! great game everyone!

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Hey Michael, is replay poker having real problems with log in? It wants me to log in and when I go to change passwords and hit the button “change” nothing happens. Are you having trouble?

I am not having any trouble on pc, all initial re-directs seem to be working except for my mobile, the links from skype to display/replay a hand on mobile no longer work. I will figure that one out soon. Make sure you are logged out of forum as well when you change password, may be a glitch there, that was one roadblock I ran into. Others have had a plethora of complications. Please report all complications to the forum directed to resolve.
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well imagine that, LOL

I truly hope, that if the Cons can not prevail in September… that the Renegades can and will. It all flows to the understanding that most of us have something to say… on most everything.

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Cecil ask, does my arse look fat in these 1st place jeans? :rofl:

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Congratulations on the win Renegades!
Now for another controversial comment from Rain!
Most know I am a numbers guy and predicted this for the Ren’s months ago.
Some of the DW players are adjusting to the style of LAG with a little GTO and exploitative play the Ren’s are bringing to the table.
The Pirates have a solid player base and have brought in a few new LAG/ GTO/ E players. This recipe is a force.
The Con’s according to my numbers have or are in the middle of adjusting their play from the back when I first started days, to now, where some have shown that they are not going to be ran over by LAG players and their play and numbers show it by nice margins.
This league has evolved over the last year to what we are seeing now and will continue to evolve.
IMO the friendly social game it once was, has changed, it is still friendly and social, but the players have changed, with a 32-player turnover this year alone new blood is here, and they are not as concerned with your opinion of them as much as winning.
This may be a shock for some of the long-term players, luckily most of the long-term players know how to handle LAG and GTO style players and have been competing against that style of play for a long time in lobby Ring, SNGs and MTTs.
I have noticed the attendance numbers for some of the long-term players that use to come at me a lot for my comments in the forum have decreased significantly, I kind of miss the light my hair on fire, you are full of yourself, you only comment to get attention, you have no idea, you weren’t here back in the day, we were somebody once days. A good verbal joust is good for teams, I don’t mind being the bad guy if it rallies your team or boosts your attendance to get me to shut up. I have seen attendance spikes after this type of activity and will continue with this proven technique.
The Outlaws are a solid team, they are in the position the Ren’s were three months ago, low attendance is brutal on a team, I say cut the fat, and recruit like a mofo, hanging on to players that don’t show up to support the team has no value other than friendship, and friends show up, and yes I get the part about work and illness, those are exceptions so don’t come at me for that.
In my business if I don’t fire/lay off a worker, I have no incentive to replace them with someone that wants to work.
Ok that’s enough, wait one more thing! Ren’s this is what is coming.


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I cannot login at all. But what is weird, when I get an organizers message to read their message I am let in to surf where ever I need to go. I have an iMac that security is very strong. So clearing my history, deleting my bookmarks for RP, re-establish RP app and or bookmark to login in with password changes bring only error messages. I cannot figure this out!!!

Any suggestions folks?

did you try logging out of the forum, refreshing then refreshing all others, then try process again, I ran into that same problem with iPhone, old link would take me in but new only took me to sign in page every time, I think they are having issues with apple, hopefully they will soon be resolved. I don’t run apple as a PC but there should be a section for safe sites where you can add a link that you are using

Rain, we are shacking in our Renegade boots, as we maintain, and repair the fleet of ships we have recently acquired. Subsailor will be our admiral, as he has vast experience in the open sea against the likes of Pirate scoundrels, John, myself, and the others are working on installing the larger cannons we have now, and Whit and Neb are making sure we get the job done swiftly. It is a all hands on deck event rofl: