Customised final table

Why hasn’t Replay hired MADHOF as a developer yet?


@MADHOF amazing love it

can you also work out how to then add a money sign when at final table and cashed in please :slight_smile:


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Can we get some wording in the middle? It doesn’t matter if it gets covered over when chips go in the middle as it would reappear between hands. Good job

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No, I don’t think it’s a good idea to change the table color. Some people can be affected by the table’s color (I actually had this happen to me and it was distracting).

My suggestion is to have a ten-second pause with a message which is similar to the break messages. This will allow the players to:

  1. check out their remaining competition or at least;

  2. check that their hair is still perfect in a mirror.

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White neon rail would look nice :+1:t2:

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  1. add a sign to warn players that they are in the money : it seems to me a good improvement

  2. add some text in the middle of the table, : it’s true that the trophy looks a bit empty so maybe add “final table” underneath or use the SunPowerGuru logo

  3. don’t change the color of the table : I like the fact to change radically the style of final tables but I don’t see myself deciding that alone so tell me what you prefer

  4. white neon rail : are you talking about the white line around tables to give it a halo effect ? if so I’m sure the idea will look good and it’s easy to do

I guess I have a good week before the extension is verified on the web store so until then I will have time to implement these updates


As Replay exists now, if someone streams or records a final table or hand from a final table, the Replay logo remains intact. I have no idea how they would feel about providing the platform when their branding is removed.

Just something to think about.

I think changing the table colour is a must. It is the most visually obvious indicator that you are on the FT

Yes that’s exactly what I was talking about :+1:t2:

Maybe something kinda like this?
! final table2

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I think the community would be more supportive of a design that featured SPG’s likeness at the center of the table

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I have forgotten what a Final Table looks like.

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I implemented the neon rail around the table for the spotlight effect and I think it looks good, I also decreased the halo effect around the players

work in progress for the center of the table


Looking good :+1:t2: nice job so far !!!

I think if the table colour was changed then this would be pretty much perfect

Black is the preferred color by final table players across the spectrum. It’s the only color not used yet by Replay if you don’t count pretty in pink :joy:

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could you state your evidence as most tables I have encountered are not black, in fact black is not the standard in the industry.

If we had emojis at the tables you could have all the cold beers you can dream of drinking.
:beer: :beers: :wine_glass: and a little wine.

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I think the final table should retain th same basic look and feel as the rest of the site and not stray too far from that. It should also contain their branding. Just my opinion.

What we really need is someone willing to write a mod loader-type thing so we could drop a zipped texture pack in a folder and re-skin the whole site, cards, regular tables, final tables, and whatever else.

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SNG I would like to use your picture in the center of the table with a trophy, if you can give it to me in png format it’s even better
by the way I think that deviating too much from the style of the site is not a good idea either and especially the fact of not including the logo of replay poker

here is the part of my extension that manages the design of final tables, if you know a bit of CSS language you can play with it to test other things (just change the values and copy and paste in the console to test):

				document.getElementsByClassName("Game--holdem")[1].style.backgroundColor="#111111"; //couleur de fond #111111 #61000a
				document.getElementsByClassName("Game__logo")[0].src=""; //image de fond
				document.getElementsByClassName("Game__bettingLine")[0].style.borderWidth="0rem";//ligne autours des tables
				document.getElementsByClassName("Game__bettingLine")[0].style.boxShadow="inset 0px 0px 10px 0.5px white, 0px 0px 10px 0px white";//ligne néon
				//document.getElementsByClassName("Game__bettingLine")[0].style.boxShadow="inset 0px 0px 10px 0.5px white, 0px 0px 10px 0px white";

				for(var i=0; i<document.getElementsByClassName("Seat__nameplate").length;i++)
					//document.getElementsByClassName("Seat__nameplate")[i].style.boxShadow="0 0 75px #888a5c" ;  
					document.getElementsByClassName("Seat__nameplate")[i].style.boxShadow="0 0 20px #a3a3a3";	//halo autours des joueurs				