CONTEST - What are you wishing for this holiday season?

a players club prize for the players who have paid a chip in to the running players pool that would pay out a certain amount for a “bad beat” (player one has a full house and player two has 4 of a kind" player one has a flush player three has a straight flush i have seen this type of players club in some casino card rooms it would be interesting to see how it works here.

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Que esta pandemia sea superada y podamos disfrutar todos como nos merecemos de una buena semana en Las Vegas, Nevada, cualquier otro deseo pertenece a otros ambitos.

May this pandemic be overcome and we can all enjoy a good week in Las Vegas, Nevada as we deserve, any other wish belongs to other areas.


May all on earth be healed with lasting peace among all nations on it i know thiss is like royal flush but its my wish always


Welcome to the Forum, ThiccMamba–so glad you survived, and what a kind wish for the rest of us who are yet to be “initiated!” Glad you are here.


Welcome to the Forum, GeddyLee! (Are you a singer??)
May we live to see your wish fulfilled!

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Welcome to the Forum, milorad111. My wish is that you WILL survive and thrive. May our wishes come true.


thank you all the best I wish you


The most important have been wished. So I will go back to what we have all wished for
centuries, but yet have achieved: “Peace on Earth and Good Will to All”


Many people are wishing for good health or an end to the pandemic. My wish is for more common sense. With that, many problems will

be solved.

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For myself. I wish nothing. I have my family and the people I love. For them, I wish that they stay healthy and safe. They know, that they are forever in my heart. For the world, I wish as many people wish, an end to the Covid pandemic. I wish for an effective vaccine for everyone. I wish for those, who think the virus is a joke, that they grow a brain in the new year and think not only of themselves, but of others around them. I wish for the end of hatred, racism and violence around the world. Color of skin is immaterial. We are all members of the human race. We should start acting like it. Maybe I’m a dreamer, but that is my wish.

I wish PEACE and LOVE in the WORLD! Cheers :slight_smile:

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My wish is for all the less fortunate people in the world whatever their situation is would be to find comfort and piece and know that better days are ahead.

I am wishing for the vaccine to come as quick as possible & that all people take it ! I’m wishing all the people in the world get enough food & that no child ever has to starve, please.
I am also wishing for a new computer this year i sure need a new one.

nothing just my family and friends to be safe

i would like a puppy

I wish we could get some features back that we had before this new format.
Such as,
when players “showed” we would see what they had, and not just the cards they were holding. So now we have to go back (Past ridiculous and endless adds asking us to leave the tournament we are in to go to another) and try to find and put together the hands they had willingly showed but for some reason. it doesn’t . we have to figure it out while the next hand has already started. this would be a nice wish come true. Chuck.

Ben zelf tevreden.
Gezonheid voor een ieder en dat we liefde aan elkaar kunnen geven.
Denk aan medemens, misschien in donkere dagen even helpen of verwennen
En iedereen corona vrij.
Prettige kerstdagen en gelukkig nieuw jaar.

Am satisfied myself.
Health for everyone and that we can give love to each other.
Think of fellow human beings, perhaps helping or pampering them in dark days
And everyone corona free.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

i wish i knew which tickets i had instead of how many

I wish for all to have a peaceful and safe holiday season. I pray for goodwill among
men and women. I pray for a good 2021, unlike 2020 with covid-19 that has wrecked
peoples lives. On replay, I would like to see a championship tourney between top
players who finished in money chips in Euro and American league. lets pit the winners against each other for a fun and challenging tournament…Happy Holidays…

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I don’t need anything; I’ve already been incredibly blessed. Do wish for more peace and love in the world. …and to get rid of this dang virus.