Can we have more SNG Royal Games?

Hi, thanks for all your great work.
I like playing Royal regularly as well as the other formats however SNG Royal max’s out at $20k for two players and it can take too long to get more than two players at times so often don’t try.
Any chance of a $50k and $100k two player SNG game?

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WHY, to me it is not real poker, i just close my eyes and pray on every flop lol:)


Hi, thanks for making the suggestion.

We are still taking stock of the May changes announced [here].(Replay SnG schedule overhaul May 2024)

There have been 71 20K Royal HUSNG in July, so I can see a case, but for now I have to say ‘maybe’.


Thanks Rob, can’t ask for more than that. There are a few who have mentioned it in games but probably not big forum users,

You can calc it out and bet on the probability. I actually find it relaxing as it is like Holdem but with less possibilities so less things to calc out each hand. You get wild betters on all variations but I actually think that if you know the game and are betting on the cards there is less randomness and less opportunity to just take a punt. Do agree with you that it is not Holdem and what you bet on the first two cards matters a lot less.

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PS I got inspired after seeing you change the stairway format which was a big success I think

Just checking how Royal numbers are going for $20k 2up and 3up. Hopefully there is enough to try a 50k and 100k 2up Royal game