Best Oxymorons

I typed an email to a friend on Monday and saw what I’d written: “Have a happy Monday!” I have to say, this is (to many of us) an oxymoron.

Definition of oxymoron: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.

Mine is an example of an accidental oxymoron, but this figure of speech can be adroitly used for several purposes:

1. To demonstrate linguistic skill
2. To enhance drama
3. To create humor
4. To indicate irony

Let’s have some oxymoronic fun! Find one or make one–and enjoy!

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“Bend it straight” is the one which I always remember.

“Terribly good” is probably the only one I can make up on the spot.


My favorites

Almost exactly.
Awfully good.
Deafening silence.
Freezer Burn.
Living dead.
Loyal opposition.
Old news.
Only choice.

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Never heard “bend it straight.” Love it!

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Oooh–Yes, “almost exactly” and “deafening silence” are both terrific.


My favorites and staples in the New England area :joy:

I’ll take my hand off your face, meh

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I have no earthly ideal!


“there was a bomb found today (local high school) but no one was ever in danger”…
(true story from lips of Headmistress…a student had the bomb, and his pal had the accelerant. Thankfully, another student spoke up…this was in 2000)

Does “true story” strike anyone as an oxymoron? lol

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“ true story “ that’s a good example. A story is either factual or fictitious for the entertainment of the reader. :+1:t2:

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Great examples–both the story and the “true story.” (Although I think stories aren’t required to be false, are they, to qualify as stories?)

Plastic silverware.

Can’t believe no one has brought up jumbo shrimp. Or military intelligence.

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Can you explain the oxymoron about military intelligence?

Exact example

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Yes, because we think of physical combat and military intelligence as opposites, yet they are combined in this case. Hope this helps.

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Didn’t help because it doesn’t define oxymoron.

I think oxymoronic thoughts are a little less specific than actual oxymorons, if I my form a theory. If you’re invoking what would normally appear to be two mutually exclusive concepts, then you’re in the realm of the oxymoronic. Did this shed any light or just further obscure enlightenment? (lol)

The interpretation level is only two concrete points, mine and someone else’s is but I was born enlightened.:wink:

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Maybe so, maybe no, but it’s on the list for oxymoron. Far be it for me to challenge a list. LOL


There’s a list ?

A good list or a bad list :joy:

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