All Categories

Since the League Discussion Topic has been moved to All Categories , found by clicking on All Categories found under the Replay Logo, then you you have to scroll down to find it , players and Members of a League are having a hard time finding it , there was still room for it to stay on the main Forum page. I know that this might not be of interest to everyone but now it is hard for anyone looking for League information to find.Any chance of putting it back where it was ?


It almost feels like league players have been pushed to the back of the bus, so to speak.

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Just makes it harder for players who have Leagues or players who want to start one to promote them.

Since only a small fraction of players are in Leagues and we want the forum to be aimed at all players, that’s why it takes an extra step to find the League category. Your members can also find your thread by clicking on “Latest” – that might be easier if folks are having trouble.

Part of the reason we don’t really “advertise” Leagues because it takes quite a bit of staff time to set up and maintain each of them, but we’re working on adding more automation, and once we do, we can reconsider making the category easier to find.

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Thanks for the response fizzy… I know it is work for staff but since they are offered I thought it was a good way to get new Members , but players who don’t know about the Leagues here probably won’t be able to find them now that it has been hidden. I appreciate all the work put in by staff (Rob) to keep my League running smoothly … it just kinda made me feel like the black sheep of the replay family lol , but I do understand.

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Seems to be put back now where it used to be …hope it stays there , thanks.

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