Aggrevations & Annoyances at Poker Tables

“When you are at a poker table with a player who aggravates or annoys you for any reason, how do you try to resolve it?”

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Every once in a while someone at the table keeps up a running conversation with only me, and it’s awkward for two reasons: 1) I really do like to focus on my game, and 2) I want the rest of the people at the table to participate in the conversation so that two of us aren’t dominating chat. I try the same strategies I use when this happens at any event: I address a question to another player–or several players–and hope the conversation moves further around the table. Or I apologize and say, “I need to focus or you’ll steal all my chips!” Trying to use humor to change the interaction. Most of the time these strategies work.


I don’t let it bother me if it intended at me and let my play speak volumes not my words.

Usually the aggressor thinks I have the chat off and that resolves it or if they go all in every hand which happens sometimes I just fold until they mayhem is over.

The worst case scenario I just leave the table before I reach thru the screen :wink:


A wise man doeth leave the table before wrath. lol


And a wise man I am :+1:t2:


I was playing quarter finals of team championship against BW - if you know who that is - just us 2 left - then i start reading someone heckling BW in a bad way – I couldnt believe it - i was very surprised when it happened - i also thought - hey - pro’s get heckled - I must be doing OK - lol - I have only seen that type 1 other time…


You ever know for sure that the game is not random?

Look at the just authenticated RNG I just posted for Replay Poker in the your other thread where you asked the same thing.

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When some says “gg” after I lose/get knocked out. It annoys me and feels condescending and I know too many people who think it isn’t rude to say it. Even if I win or lose I never say “gg” to anyone. If I do knock someone out, I only say something if they talk first. I like to mind my own business

Saying “ GG “ is polite, appropriate and sociable.

Happy Holidays


Perhaps we can go with something like “gg/fu - whichever you prefer.”


HAHAHAHAHA damn that tickled my funny bone.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!


I don’t know about Giant Gerbils or Greedy Gorillas, but if I’m at a table with good folks, I generally try to be polite, good game, well played, all that. I can’t stand shortcuts and abbreviations which most folks tend to use for whatever reason, so I just keep things simple. Plain English works best. Some folks can communicate freely which is nice, instead of using text shortcut language which annoys me personally.

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I don’t try to annoy people with gh,nh,gg,np… I thought I was being nice. I do notice that tables seem to be more quiet these days, seems less and less people say it. Maybe I should take the hint. :thinking:


Never Vickie … stay the way you are !


You be you, vickik1117! Don’t back down, don’t apologize, don’t go low because others say you should!


I share your frustration with abbreviations, BeerEagle69, but every one on here knows what gg, gh, nh etc. stand for and when you are trying to concentrate on the game rather than typing out replies, I have no problem with the use of those abbreviations.

I generally don’t chat except when being addressed and I normally don’t have a problem with others that have a private conversation going during play. What I do find annoying are the constant complainers and players insulting others. For example: when I experience technical issue on the site, I often ask other players in chat whether they are experiencing the same problem. I did so yesterday during a tournament after struggling (as happened many times recently) to get a table loaded before the first few hands are played. One player immediately replied ‘no’ and another then said ‘too many larpers on this site’. Since English is not my first language, I had to look up the meaning of the word ‘larper’ (I knew it has something to do with role-playing but thought he must be meaning something else) before I understood the insult. Now THAT annoys me. I almost answered ‘too many a-holes on this site’ but thought better of it.


You can nh me all night long - lol - as Billy Joel said " don’t go changing …"

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Dont worry - english is my first language and i didnt know what a larper is - lol - i tend to use the abbreviations but also realize responses from players may not happen as they could be muted or playing multiple tables. To be rude and insulting i havent found much of - but i have seen it and have actually been heckled a couple times - lol - i have also said my 2 cents if i think the words were not justified between players - sometimes its hard to hold back - free site and sooooo many chasers or ridiculous calls - when that happens to me i just sit back growl then giggle to myself and say figures - because with the crazy river here - these lotto hits happen more than they should - argh - enjoy the site - most playas here i find nice and helpful - just remember - because site is basically free - there will be a lot of chasers and all in bluffs for the rush.

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