you had a bad day thats all…
Yes replay stopped me from posting because I said (everybody is sitting out because replay is cheating)
I live in America were we have freedom of speech!
I don’t know what is wrong with replay.
The First Amendment restricts the government’s ability to control speech.
Replay is not the government.
Replay is a UK company.
Replay is a private company, and has the right to control what they allow on their privately owned platform. We all agreed to this as part of the sign-up process. Remember when we clicked the “I accept” button when they displayed their terms of service, which nobody read?
Here’s what you have to remember about a pocket pair, big or small:
It’s just a pair.
Not to say getting a pocket pair is bad - obviously it’s not. But don’t go crazy with it and don’t be afraid to fold it. Unless you hit something on the board, you’re just holding a pair - and that’s not much to write home about.
Exactly right. A private owned company.
Although you can sue and prosecute an international private owned company or individual for cyber bullying.
United Kingdom- Under the Malicious Communications Act, cyberbullying could result in six months or more in prison and a hefty fine per person or for the company if they don’t act to protect you.
I’ve never folded pocket Kings when there was an all-in preflop although, there is always the possibility you’re going to lose the hand.
I know how you feel because i had to fold pocket aces because of the same reason, it seems that if you have a good hand don’t win most of the time it will lose to the worse hand.
but it happens most of the time. most of the time! the worst hand wins. In real poker games most people fold the worst hand.
The worst hand wins all the time.
The next post should be … I can’t win an all in…
And after that … I can’t win with 2 pair.
The worst hand does not win. Ever . Observational bias may influence opinion but mathematical hand analysis reveals truth.
I do notice on a number of boards with idiots on 210,000 levels just as an example, constantly go all in, at times others match and look, only to see the idiot get a straight, flush, trips, anything that is better than the good hands that looked. It is bloody annoying, as I have had numerous times, a good pair, A’s K’s or Jack’s, and looked at a dick going all in with 3/7 and he gets a full house. EVERY DAM TIME. Ive also lost with 4 A’s to a random spade flush…REALLY…
Well, I don’t know for you but for me the worst hand most of the time wins and it happens in the rooms I am in.
simple synthèse vous gagnez des mains plus qu’improbable puis vous perdez des mains impossible
résultat in fine vous achetez des jetons
moralité fait ce que tu peu et cb le logiciel te surveille lol
simple synthesis you win hands more than unlikely then you lose hands impossible ultimately you buy tokens morality do what you can and cb the software is watching you lol
Hey this is replay poker in a nut shell, if idiots drive you crazy there is an option to remove game from your device.ll
Or remove yourself from the poker table, of course, in the case of real life.
I can give you some that are much worse. At least you were called with a made hand. I have been repeatedly beat all in when I have the the following hands. AK vs AJ and J flops. KJ vs J8 and 2 eights hit the board. AQ vs A4 and a 4 hits the flop. What these hands all have in common? I have their best card taken out and still lose to an under pair which means only one card can beat my hand yet it happens repeatedly. Poker gods are not kind
To all who feel like the game is rigged against them I recommend you view the video just posted by MinnowShark titled “For those who think they always lose because the site is rigged.”
Saw it quite a lot tonight, all in with junk hands and hitting a straight or flush on the river to land a huge pot but who am I to say what the ‘proper’ way to play poker is? It is frustrating and it kills the table but I guess we can just hop to another.
I do think that the games are set to not play very long. I have seen hands taken out that should have won and it has happened to me . it is too often to be coincidence. that makes them rigged.
Oh boy!
I worked in the poker casino industry for 35 years before I retired. Every now and then we would have a bar poker player come in to play and explain to us what we were doing wrong. We would look at him and say,
“Oh yeah, bar poker. Just like real poker but without the rules”.