Weird hand

Hey Puggy,

This statement is absurd to begin with. If they were evenly split between 2 possible outcomes, then how did neither of them happen? The 2 outcomes you are talking about were not that likely to happen; you just wanted them to.

I disagree. That is not the lesson here at all. If you look back and the cards you had, and the way you played them, just counting to hit a straight or a flush for some reason, you would see that the lesson here is not to bet on hopes and dreams and then limp at the end when you don’t get them :wink:

As for what @johnlittle was asking, I believe he meant all your posts, not just this particular one.

I guess his point is, you never specify whether you’re looking for advice, or just sharing, or what other reason is behind your post, just to know if to reply and what to say about it. That’s all.
I think he’s suggesting you just clarify what you need from others when you post your hands and your tourneys.

For me personally, your last long description of the SnG you won, detailing every hand, was like reading the book vs watching the movie. I could’ve gone to the first hand and watched the replay of the whole tourney, or read your post and got an insight of the author’s mind while playing the tourney :slight_smile:

To be honest, it was too long and too descriptive to read, so in that particular case I would have preferred to watch the actual movie. But I did look through your post for any questions or advice you might have asked for, and didn’t find any. That’s why I agree with john that it’s not always clear what you actually want from others in some of your post. That’s all :wink:

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