The fairness debate

That is really wild! I’m not sure your ‘all in’ was justified, or the 55 call. But the AA call probably was. If there had been a JQ among those who folded but for some reason instead called, you all would have been screwed. Which is why pocket pairs are nice but never a slam dunk as whoverit points out.

hindsight is always 20/20. probably plenty of others would had done same thing I did. was not looking for a analysis of my play. just wanted put it on here for people to see.

Ya pretty crazy hands on the flop. If i had KK i would raise 5 or 6 BB and see the flop, AA woulda called or re raised u all in and u still woulda called pre flop all in. if AA called ur raise after seeing the flop then he woulda shoved all in after flop and trip Ks would call so the outcome would be the same and all chips would be in pre flop or at the river. Only thing is that i woulda folded 55 pre flop on your all in or see the flop with a raise but 55 would be all in anyway too after the flop with trips. just goes to show u that lower pocket pairs are likely to still go all in but ur right about the straights that coulda been involved in the hand that woulda wiped every one out.

right. even AA re raises, I don’t think I would had folded giving that I don’t really know the player. only way could fold if I really knew the player and suspected AA, but its always hard to suspect AA when holding KK. would had put him on a lower pocket pair or AK, AQ, AJ etc…

I have seen 3 trips from all pocket pairs before but not all 3 trips on the flop. If u all woulda played it out then everyone would still be all in anyway, but at least by going all in you forced the players holding the straight cards to fold so u weeded out the competition factor and u have the 2nd best hand pre flop so u just happened to go all in with pocket aces sitting there, that happens more than u think, just bad timing while having KK. Only bad decision out of all the scenarios explained was 55 calling your all in, that is a fold hand on an all in unless its low stake rings then why not

its first I ever seen set over set over set.

i have seen it a few times but never 3 different trips flopped, and especial 3 different trips flopped with all 3 having 2 of the 3 cards as pocket pairs. when i say a few times i mean 1 or 2 in 6 years here and not flopped either so its as rare as a royal flush if not more. I have had 7 royals in 6 years… so that was very rare and worth posting here. Make sure u save it in your saved hands list lol. I have played around 350,000 hands here and i would say that would be on tops of list on rare hands or scenarios on the table.

Odds of 3 players having pocket pairs and all 3 flopping a set at a full-ring table are 1:166,199

Here’s a link to a list of odds for all sorts of hands meeting each other: What Are the Odds? | Long-Shot Odds in Texas Holdem poker


I knew it was rare, its why I posted it. replay should give 3 of us something for this rare hand lol. I was smiling when I saw the K, then I looked at the other two hands and realized there was 3 (3) of kinds

warlock thats funny cause the odds u posted are close to the 2 i saw in around 350,000 hands i played here

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someone had pocket 4s and flopped quads last week on a table i was on, what does that jump the odds to?

The odds for flopping quads when holding a pocket pair are 1:407

Here is a hand of quads over quads. Odds of 2 players having pocket pairs on a full-ring table and both making quads by the river are 1:312,663. Some of the funniest commentary you will ever hear.

u said 1:407 i think u meant 1:407,000

So what are the odds of this…

This is probably the sickest hand I have seen. Flop a set of aces, make quads on the river, and lose to a runner runner royal.


I saw this hand on TV and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I don’t know the odds. I’m not even sure the odds of surviving a beat like this. Just sick. Actually, the commentator said the odds of a Royal Flush meeting quads are about 1:2,700,000. Don’t know if that’s accurate or not.

Nope, hold a pocket pair and you should flop quads 1 in 407 times. You should make quads by the river 1 in 122 times with a pocket pair.

I’m just trying to make trips, when holding a pocket pair.
But better to make quads, with all of the five card hands
that come out so often. It’s nice to win one with quads.:slight_smile:

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i would like to see that hand that flopped 3 different trips be flopping 3 different quads, what are those odds, i bet crazy high odds

The odds of 3 players with pocket pairs all flopping quads is exactly zero.


was a joke obviously. It can never happen, 3 quads on turn or river, u would need a 6th card for a total of 12 cards. Theres only 5 cards that are dealt on the board. Need 6 as pocket pairs and 6 others to pair up as quads :smile:

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i would like to see that flopped 3 diff trips flop 3 diff quads… there that was word for word just scroll up, keep trying :smile: